Sunday, March 06, 2011

Sunday 6th - Races

Bath Half Marathon this morning... cold with a biting east wind. Ran reasonably, for a 1:33+ finish (not sure of the finish time). Around 3 minutes slower than anticipated. Problems with the right calf yet again for most of the race. Not exactly an injury, just very sore and very annoying. Not exactly an earth-shattering time, but well up on the UK Rankings. 80.50-odd % for those who understand these things - 1st Vet/65.
Chris Dupain finished in 1:28:32 (chip time), and Emma Dupain in 1:33:48 (chip time)... Hannah was running with Emma but is not on the Provisional results (neither am I).

More to come when the results hit the net...

Barcelona Marathon
Andrew Johnson ran 3:30:44, which was bang-on his 3:30 target. He writes: "I remember now why I have not run a big city marathon for 17 years. Too many people. Way too many people. They get in your way, block your path, slow you down - you have to concentrate all the time. No time to enjoy the environment, like Tresco (Isles of Scilly) or Eden (Project). The drink stations were like a war. The 1st World War, or maybe the Charge of the Light Brigade. Lost time at every drink station trying to grab a drink.

I had hoped to run with the 3:30 pace group. They were easy to find, at the start with their red balloons. But when we were called forward just before the race started, I moved forward 5 metres and the pacemakers disappeared in front. They were at least 10 metres in front of me at the start, so got away about a minute earlier than me. I didn’t catch them up until 18km. I then did my best to stay with them in the congested field, but began to lose touch with them at 30km when I got a stitch. After a couple of kilometres, I rallied and got quite close to them, but they gradually pulled away again and eventually disappeared. I managed to maintain 8 minutes/mile (5 minutes/km) pace until we got to when we turned inland and started climbing. The last 3km were up an incline which felt like a mountain and I slowed considerably".


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