Wednesday, March 09, 2011

All the Bath Results

[Emma & Hannah after the race]

Adam Miller 1:18:32
Richard Bishop 1:24:42
Chris Dupain 1:28:32
Hannah Bown 1:33:43 (nee Dupain)
Roger Rowe 1:33:44
Emma Dupain 1:33:48
Ben White 1:40:10

Nearly 11,000 runners completed the Bath Half-Marathon on 6th March and the seven Harriers who were there all finished in front of more than 9,000 of them. Adam Miller would have been pleased to chop over 2 minutes off his personal best for the distance in finishing 110th in 78:32. Emma Dupain also notched a Personal Best when she clocked 93:48, finishing 807th overall and 92nd of over 4,000 females. Richard Bishop was 302nd overall in 84:42 and 40th of over 900 male veterans over 40. Chris Dupain was 473rd overall in a time of 88:32.

Roger Rowe broke into the Top Ten with 6th of 154 in the male veterans over 60 class, recording 93:44 which placed him 904th overall, and 1st V/65. Alongside Roger was Hannah Bown, 797th overall and 90th female in 93:43. Finally Ben White just missed out on breaking 100 minutes with 1:40:10 but that still had him comfortably inside the top 25% of the field.

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