Sunday, June 29, 2008

Inaugural Festival Four - Exeter

113 runners took part in the first inaugural Exeter Festival Four on Thursday evening, 26 June. Starting at the Canal Basin, the route (which was actually 4.3 miles) followed the River Exe to Countess Weir Bridges, returning to the finish at the Canal Basin along the Exeter Ship Canal cyclepath and towpath. Although dead flat, the course was not without its challenges. On the outward stretch, through the Exe flood plain, competitors had to contend with a herd of cows stampeding past runners and criss-crossing the course, while the return was into a stiff breeze.
Of the four Exmouth Harriers who took part, Pete McKeown coped best with the challenges, finishing 10th in 26:01. Andrew Johnson ran the first half faster than he had planned, having to sprint past the cows before they blocked the course, and as a consequence he found himself struggling later. Although he was able to keep the two leading women (Caroline Hewitt of Tiverton Harriers, 27:04, and Karen Cook of South West Road Runners, 27:22) in his sight along the canal, he was unable to close the gap, eventually finishing 14th in 27:35.
Ray Elston was 31st in 30:25 and Jim Wyatt finished 54th in 32:33. The race was won by James Bellwar of Exeter Tri Club in 22:54.
Full results from

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