Monday, June 16, 2008

Bampton 10k

At 18.30 hours on Saturday 14 June 2008 the long standing Bampton 10 kilometre road race commenced on a fine sunny evening. The windless, cloudless sky illuminated the runners as they lined up at the start in the picturesque village centre. There was a happy atmosphere hanging over the start line as the runners realised that the proceeds of the entry monies was being donated to the Exeter Leukaemia Fund.
The starting gun saw Hugh Marsden, Exmouth Harrier, away at a fast pace with the front runners, followed further back in the pack by the other Exeter Harriers contingent consisting of Andrew Johnson, Bob Woodall, Ray Elston and Dawn Teed. Dawn who prefers longer distances was the sole female club entrant.
The course is run through scenic countryside over extremely undulating lanes around the village of Bampton. From the start in the centre of the village the course immediately rises along the first hill and dwellings are soon left behind in the distance. The only sounds to disturb the birds in the hedgerows, was the slapping of the runners footwear on the metalled road surface, along with the laboured breathing of some of the competitors.
Hugh Marsden maintained a in close contact with the race leaders throughout and about two kilometres into the race Andrew Johnson, as his norm starting well back in the pack, steadily overtook the middle markers and progressed higher up the positions. Hill after hill was mounted by the runners before descending into the valleys to be greeted by yet another hill.
Just after the five kilometre marker, approaching the drinks station, a new sound greeted the athletes. The sound of leather on willow mingled with the other country chorus as the runners skirted the local village cricket green which was hosting a match. Much needed refreshing water was taken on board by some competitors as they faced the homeward stretch of the race.
As the nine kilometre marker approached the last long hill stretched into sight before the final fast down hill stretch into the finishing lap of the football pitch.
Hugh Marsden romped home in 11th overall place in a respectable time of 37 minutes and 19 seconds just two and one half minutes behind the ultimate winner, Peter Monaghan of Torbay Harriers. Andrew Johnson finished in 37th place in a time of 42 minutes and 11 seconds followed by Bob Woodall in 64th position in a time of exactly 45 minutes. Ray Elston finished second in the over sixty age category in a respectable time of 46 minutes and 9 seconds, in an overall position of 74th out of 214 finishers. Dawn Teed completed her valiant race in 122nd position in a time of 50 minutes and 54 seconds.


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