Saturday, February 05, 2005

On your marks, get set... go! [click for full article and photos]

Children rise to challenge of Exmouth area cross country event

CHILDREN from St Peter’s School, Budleigh Salterton, are celebrating after they won the inaugural Exmouth area primary school cross-country trophy.

More than 300 children from nine primary schools took part in the challenge. There were four races in all. Pupils competed according to age group and sex, with races for children in years three and four and for pupils in years five and six.

Runners completed two laps of the half-mile course around Rolle College’s playing fields in Exmouth.

St Peter’s school walked away with the overall trophy after winning both boys’ events and the girls’ year three and four contest. The school received the winner’s trophy from Chairman Roger Rowe of Exmouth Harriers, the race sponsors. The first seven finishers in each race also received a trophy.

The event was organised by Jill Dupain, who is a teacher at Woodbury Salterton Primary School, and a member of Exmouth Harriers. Mrs Dupain said: "All the children were tremendous. It’s great to give the kids a chance to try a sport where co-ordination is not so important. Hopefully this will encourage them to take up athletics in the future. The race has been such a success we hope to hold it every year."

Race Results:

Year three and four girls:
1st - St Peter’s School, Budleigh Salterton,
2nd - Woodbury Salterton Primary School,
3rd – St Joseph’s School, Exmouth

Year three and four boys:
1st - St Peter’s School, Budleigh Salterton,
2nd - St Joseph’s School, Exmouth,
3rd – Woodbury Salterton Primary School

Year five and six girls:
1st – The Beacon School, Exmouth,
2nd - Woodbury Salterton Primary School,
3rd – St Peter’s School, Budleigh Salterton

Year five and six boys:
1st - St Peter’s School, Budleigh Salterton,
2nd - Woodbury Primary School,
3rd – The Beacon school, Exmouth

Report and photos (click above) from Exmouth Journal

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