Sunday, February 06, 2005

Fulfords 5 Report [Click for full results]

Hopes were high of a local victory in last Sunday's Fulford 5 road race, which took in two laps of Exmouth town centre and sea front, as Dave Stone kept with the leading group in the early stages. Mark Cowen of Exeter Harriers then pulled away from the pack to win the race with half a minute to spare in 25 minutes and 51 seconds. Rob Smyth of Loughborough finished second and Tari Agui, also of Exeter Harriers was third. Stone worked hard to keep the leaders in sight, eventually finishing fifth in 27:15.

The day was perfect for running - dry and cold with little wind - and the ideal conditions brought a large field of 246 finishers. Second Harrier home and 15th overall was Roger Rowe (30:25), who was first veteran over 50. John Perratt was the leading veteran over 60, finishing in 32:00. Also in the Vet 60 category, Ray Elston and Les Turner maintained their recent current good form with both improving their best times for 5 miles - Elston finishing in 33:39 and Turner in 39:30. In his first race for Exmouth Harriers, Adrian Kearns ran an excellent 31:09 for 20th position.

Judy Oakley was the winner of the women's race. The City of Portsmouth AC runner finished in 31:11, with Jaine Swift of the Women's Running Network close behind in 31:35. Exmouth's Jenny Timms was the sixth female finisher in an excellent 32:36, improving a minute on her previous personal best. Hannah Dupain of Exmouth Harriers was the next lady to finish in 32:56.

5 27:15 STONE, Dave (In the lead group for ages, great effort)
15 30:25 ROWE, Roger (1st Vet/50)
20 31:09 KEARNS, Adrian (1st race in Harriers colours)
38 32:00 PERRATT, John (1st Vet/60 - and I think a club record V/60 & V65)
41 32:10 SHUTT, Ed (great to see Ed back in the yellow and blue)
45 32:36 TIMMS, Jenny (a personal best by around a minute)
47 32:44 GENT, Tim
51 32:56 DUPAIN, Hannah
63 33:39 ELSTON, Ray (1st time under 34 minutes)
68 34:25 RUSSELL, Lee
81 35:10 DUPAIN, Nigel
102 37:23 WYATT, Jim
125 39:39 TURNER, Les (Les breaks 40 minutes for the first time)
126 39:49 JONES, Hannah
217 48:27 HARRISON, Nigel
224 48:48 CROOK, Phil

(Andrew Johnson / Roger Rowe)

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