Tuesday, February 15, 2005

... from Port Stanley to Paignton

On Sunday 13th Feb, Exmouth Harriers' Hugh Marsden won the annual Cape Pembroke Half Marathon in the Falkland Islands. The race, which is organised by the Stanley Running Club starts in Port Stanley, the capital of the Islands, and finishes at Victory Green. Hugh beat 50 other runners (and 20 walkers) in 1 hour 18 minutes and 8 seconds.

In Saturday's Paignton round of the Westward Cross Country League (12th Feb), Camilla Sharpe continued her excellent run of form to finish 6th in the women's race. Run over 4.75 kilometres on the Clennon Valley playing fields, Camilla overcame a strong wind and patches over very sticky mud to record a time of 18 minutes and 13 seconds. Hannah Dupain and Lorraine Croome also performed well for 13th (19:09) and 21st (20:33) respectively.

Exmouth's men were led home by Anthony Hatchard, who finished the 8.5 men's kilometre race in 17th position (29:04). The other Harriers who took part in the men's race were John Croome (44th in 32:55), Phil Hatchard (48th in 33:34), Andrew Johnson (51st in 33:55), Lee Russell (73rd in 36:26) and Les Turner (91st in 41:38).

(Andrew Johnson)

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