Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Marathon... and Cross Country events

At 10 minutes after 10 on Sunday 10th October 2010 [10:10 on 10-10-10] the Eden Project Marathon got underway. The race featured a multi-terrain route around the Eden Project which followed a challenging course through areas of spectacular mining heritage and beautiful countryside landscapes. Just the one Harrier, Andy Johnson, joined the 750 entrants. For the first half of the course Andy felt comfortable although the course was tough in parts, but in hindsight he realised the first part was easy compared to the second. Just after the half way mark, back through the Eden Project, there was a two mile downhill section which caused Andy some concern before a relentless uphill section from miles 15 to 23.. Although there were occasional downhill sections these went unnoticed. Unfortunately by mile 18 Andy's energy was fading and he suffered from a bout of 'stitch' which force Andy to slow. Andy finished in overall 44th place in a time of 3 hours, 47 minutes and 28 seconds.

The first runner to complete the course was Duncan Oakes of St. Austell Running Club in a time of 2-55-16. The first female runner, in overall 8th position was Naomi Tier of Cornwall AC in a time of 3-12-24.

Later the same morning Ray Elston and Bob Woodall, running in the colours of the Harriers, travelled to South Molton to take part in the South Molton Struggle, a multi-terrained seven mile course over public footpaths, country lanes, fields and highways. The race was started by the local Mayor who inadvertently positioned himself centrally immediately in front of the runners and was almost carried along with the throng as the starting siren sounded. The route started in the Pathfields Industrial Estate before turning left into the South Molton Recreation Ground. At the top corner the route crossed the B3226 and joined the public footpath that continued through a number of undulating fields, actually quite steep hills, and farms. It was at this footpath, having climbed about one mile from the start that the conditions underfoot deteriorated. Even tarmac gave way to rutted, puddles with deep slippery mud before entering fields of long tufted strength sapping grass, with stiles to cross throw in. From miles 3 to 4 the route continued along the relatively flat highway, B3227. A left turn took the course up a long steep incline to Village hill before returning along the outward route through farms and fields. From the 5 mile marker the inclines ceased giving a homeward downhill run to the finish of the centre line of the South Molton Rugby pitch.

Because their advancing ages both Ray and Bob were competing, not with a hope of featuring in the winning runners, but for high positions within their age group categories. Although Ray, age category V70, was giving away a decade to Bob, age category V60, their’s was a friendly rivalry between the two ancient warriors. Bob lead the way over way from Ray at the starting siren up the first incline over tarmac conditions, but once the underfoot conditions deteriorated and the course levelled and ventured downhill, Ray came into his own. Having controlled his started on the steep downhill section Ray, almost 2 miles into the race, closed down the gap and overtook the struggling Bob. Ray continued his relentless efforts and was soon out of sight of Bob. Knowing the hills still to come Bob expected to catch Ray later in the course and up the long incline of Village Hill Ray was again in sight. The gap was closed to with two hundred metres but at the summit again on uneven ground Ray found the strength to lengthen the distance ahead of Bob. At the end Ray finished in 47th position in a time of 1 hour, 2 minutes and 38 seconds and was awarded the first prize in his V70 age category. His time was only 17 seconds slower than last year but still faster than the winner of this years V65 age category. Bob finished in 54th position in a time of 1-04-54, taking 3rd place in the V60 age category.

The first runner home was Ronnie Richmond of North Devon Road Runners in a time of 47-02. The first female runner was Rosemary Terrible of North Devon Triathletes in a time of 55-57.

Elsewhere on the same day in St. Austell, Cornwall seven Harriers competed in the opening event of the Brooks Westward Cross Country League. On sunny, warm afternoon with light winds the six male athletes, and in the separate race for female the lone female Harrier, started their races around the playing fields of Penrice School and the adjoining farmland. The senior men completed one small loop of the course followed by two large loops and a finishing lap covering a total distance of 8330 metres. The women completed one small loop followed by one large loop and a finishing lap covering a total distance of 5280 metres.

The lone female Harrier in her race, Dawn Teed finished in 62nd position in a time of 29-35. The first runner was A Gummow of Cornwall AC who completed the course in a time of 20-44.

For the senior male Harrier, Tom Merson, finished in first place in a time of 31-08. Dave Stone finished in 16th position in a time of 33-52. Jamie Pearson finished in 27th position in a time of 35-37. Adam Miller finished in 34th position in a time of 36-20. Hugh Marsden finished in 55th position in a time of 38-50. Jim Wyatt finished in 98th position in a time of 48-21. After the first leg of the series the Harrier team, consisting on the first five runners, finished in overall 27th position."

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