Monday, October 04, 2010

BMAF 10 - Oldbury, Gloucestershire.

[One mile to go, and overtaken by another V65]

'What might have been' again I'm afraid…

No idea of the final time (I forgot to stop my watch) or my position (5th?). But I hit 10 miles on my Garmin watch at 1:06:07 (6:36 pace). I think the course was around 10.05, so what my finish time was I'll have to wait and see. Pretty acceptable however, especially as I had an attack of cramp in my right calf and ham-string from 7.5 to the end.

A couple of weeks ago I reckoned I was capable of 1:07:33 so I am more than pleased with the time. In the V/65 category EVERYONE was there... and I think the first 6 would have beaten the 2010 top ranking time... but we shall see. I was impressed with my 5-mile time of 32:01 - feeling unpressured; and my 10k time under 40 minutes gave me a great surpise.

Dead flat of course down on the banks of the Severn, and the rain had eased although not stopped. The wind was a little troublesome in places, but not too bad. We left immediately as I was getting cold and there were NO facilities at all. I warmed down in a M5 Service area and washed and changed in the gents (why do people stare? Haven't they seen a naked man before)!

More when I get it...
Now for a decent winter to get MUCH fitter than at present…

Roger R.
PS I reckon either John or Ray would have won the V70s... even though the winner ran a new course record.

PPS I know it's name dropping, but really pleased to see old friend Ian Thompson (2:09:12 in the Commonwealth Games marathon in 1974 - STILL a Commonwealth Games Record). One piece of advice from Ian famously quoted at his 1974 peak as saying "I prefer to remain in blissful ignorance of the opposition. That way I'm not frightened by anyone's reputation". Ian's wife Margaret won the LV/55 category. At one time in the 1970s Ian and Margaret both held their respective British Records for the Marathon. THAT's never been done before or since by a married couple. Lovely people...

PPPS Official time 1:06:22, for 5th V/65.

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