Monday, May 10, 2010

Return of the Black Death Run

On Sunday 9th May 2010 just a single Harrier lined up amongst the starters for the Return of the Black Death Run. The run is 10 mile off road consisting of mainly steep forest tracks with a total climb of 2,000 feet around Coombe Sydenham Country Park. It is claimed that this run is probably one of Britain's toughest 10 mile races. The starting line up consisted of 350 runners, with only 237 finishers

The first runner to complete the course was Mark Hopkinson of Minehead RC, in a time of 1 hour 7 minutes and 24 seconds. Mike Musgrove, for the Harriers, finished in overall 9th place in a time of 1-15-32. This overall position gave Mike the first place in his gender and age category. Mike, sore after his valiant effort, believes this is certainly the hardest race in which he has competed.

The first lady to complete the run in overall 17th position was Ann Mixon of FOD AC in a time of 1-22-27. The last runner to finish was Rob Ley in a time of 2-44-59.


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