Monday, May 24, 2010

Edinburgh Marathon

Ben White, Emma and Chris Dupain joined about 23,000 other runners in the Edinburgh Marathon. Despite the blistering heat they all finished in under 4 hours.

Chris was 3.56 (PB), Ben (PB) and Emma were 3.58. They were very pleased to finish (especially Ben as it was his birthday), as they were running in aid of Amy Claire, a 15 year old girl who represented Wales and GB in disability swimming. Her aim was to go to the paralympics in London 2012. Sadly now Amy has had to go part time into a hospice and may never see 2012. Emma was her main carer in Swansea for a year and the three runners all wanted to raise money to allow Amy to do some of the things she has asked to do in the time she has left. They hope to raise at least £1,000 for her and her hospice in Wales. They are nearly there but any further sponsorship would be greatly appreciated.


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