Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bideford XC

Sunday 11th saw the fourth race in the Brooks Westward Cross Country League at Bideford. Due to the warmer conditions the off road sections of the course on grass turned slippery making the choice of footwear more important than at other recent events. Just five men from the Exmouth Harriers entered the races: Jamie Pearson, Hugh Marsdon, Bob Woodall, Ray Elston and Jim Wyatt. Unfortunately the women from the club were unrepresented.
The course started at the river estuary and made its way along roadways fronting riverside houses before taking to the lanes. The first obstacle was soon reached, namely the orchard, where the ground rose steeply. Between the trees the grass underfoot was slippery and was difficult to obtain purchase. At the top further lanes were encountered before a steep decline lead back toward the river estuary. Again purchase was difficult on this downward stretch. Further undulations followed along the side of the river before the turning point was reached and the runners continued their second circuit at the top of the orchard, fortunately missing the slippy steep incline. Back once more and the final push was again along roadways affronting riverside houses and into the finishing park.
Jamie Pearson continued his challenge to top the under 17 category by finishing this race in second place in a time of 19 minutes and 13 seconds just 15 seconds behind the race winner.In the senior men category Hugh Marsdon finished in 24th place in an impressive time of 29 minutes and 55 seconds. Bob Woodall finished further down the field in 71st place in a time of 37 minutes and 24 seconds. Ray Elston finished just behind in 77th place in a time of 39 minutes and 54 seconds. Jim Wyatt completed the Harriers contingent in 81st place in a time of 42 minutes and 12 seconds. There were 86 finishers in this category.

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