Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Plymouth 13.1 & Edinburgh 26.2

Six Exmouth Harriers completed the Plymouth Half Marathon which was won by Jean Ndasenga of Birchfield Harriers in 1:06:00. A large field of 3,421 runners finished the race.

The first Exmouth Harrier to finish was Shaun Lock, in 21st place in 1:17:57, after a superb run that saw him knock around 2 ½ minutes off his personal best. Well done, Shaun! Hugh Marsden, consistent as ever, was next to the finish line, 1st V45 and 25th overall in 1:18:33. The equally consistent Cathy Newman was 1st LV45 and 63rd overall in 1:24:37. Dawn Teed also ran well for 969th in 1:48:41 and Stef French was 1486th in 1:56:59, a good result considering her lack of training recently. Trevor Cope may have been the last Harrier to finish, in 1501st place in 1:57:48, but he achieved an amazing milestone in the process. He has now completed 230 half marathons, an English record by a considerable margin and quite possibly a world record as well!! Trevor, has also completed around 70 marathons too... Congratulations!

Another Exmouth Harrier, Julie Gellender, ran a superb race in Scotland at the Edinburgh Marathon. Her time of 3 hours 18 minutes was a personal best, achieved in difficult, windy conditions. Well done, Julie!


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