Monday, May 12, 2008

Ivybridge 10k

At 18.30 hours on Saturday 10th, on an evening better suited to barbeques and cold beer, several hundred runners lined up at the start line for the 2008 Ivybridge 10k road race. A contingent of eight Exmouth Harriers lined up with the starters.

The start was fast with the a short descent from the Station car park to the main road, B3219 where the course took a sharp left turn. The front runners set a blistering pace on a hot balmy evening hoping to achieve a course record, which was, unfortunately, not ultimately achieved.

The course followed a gradual ascent to just after the 2k marker where the course again turned left under the railway bridge for a very steep ascent for nearly a further 2 kilometres. The runners had to dig deep to maintain their momentum along the gruelling stretch. This climb highlighted the need for both speed and hill work in training. The course was well marshalled as the course meandered through the quiet lanes of Bittaford where at the 5k marker essential supplies of water were available. The hot night saw a greater than normal supply of liquid taken.

Shortly after the drinks station the course took a right turn to rejoin the B3219. The runners faced an undulating 3.5k run along the road before turning left off the main road for the final stretch to the finish.

The first runner home, Kairn Stone of the Newham and Essex Beagles, completed the race in 32 minutes and 6 seconds.

Andrew Johnson was the first Exmouth Harrier home in 80th position in a time of 41-26, followed by Mark Thompson in 107th position in a time of 42-51. The next Exmouth Harrier to complete the race was Chris Dupain in 115th position in a time of 43-11 followed closely by his sister Hannah Dupain in 137th position in a time of 44-06.

Bob Woodall finished in 143rd position in a time of 44-16. Ray Elson was the second Vet65 in 181st position in a time of 46-08. Nigel Dupain completed the family trio in 195th position in a time of 46-56. Finally Jim Wyatt complete the Harriers contingent in 320th position in a time of 53-24.

All the Harriers turned in admiral performances and there were some good individual performances especially from Jim, who considering that 24 hours previous he was still languishing in Gambia completing his "bird watching" holiday, without his wife finished strongly.

A total of 552 runners completed the course and the last runner home completed the 10k in just over one and one half hours.


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