Sunday, May 21, 2006

BMAF Road Relays 2006

(Sutton Park in Autumn)

A gathering of the Veteran clans at Sutton Park this year... but no Ray Elston. Les proved a willing reserve and certainly did not let the side down.

As usual Roger ran the first leg, tracking the whole way Dave Trickett from Hallamshire Harriers, who ran the fastest V60 leg of the day. No matter what he tried Roger could not bridge the gap that grew particularly down the long hill. Handing over therefore in 2nd place to John.

John has been suffering recently from an injury, but gamely pushed on only dropping 4 places to (it must be said) much 'younger' men. Do hope you have not exacerbated the injury John?

So Les, up against much faster men found the course and competition very stiff. Observing from the 'bleachers' he held his form together really well, and only lost 7 places over the 3 miles of hill and dale, to bring the team home in 12th place overall (out of an entry of 23 teams). A very creditable effort in the circumstances.

Times? Roger 17:34... John 19:56... Les 23:48 (1:01:19) The winning time from Clydesdale Harriers who retained their trophy was 54:27, winning by only 2 seconds from Bingley Harriers with Aldershot and Farnham AC 3rd in 55:22.

Individual Medals were awarded to:

GOLD - Dave Trickett (Hallamshire Harriers) 17:17
SILVER - Bobby Young (Clydesdale Harriers) 17:32
BRONZE - Roger Rowe (Exmouth Harriers) 17:34

4th was Mike Smith (Bingley Harriers) 17:38
Only 6 Athletes in all broke the 18 minute barrier for the 3 miles.

It was nice to see Mandy Marvin, who travelling the few miles from Leamington Spa to lend her support... and some pretty yummy biscuits. Thanks Mandy...


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