Monday, August 22, 2005

Torbay 10k - 7:00pm 21st August 2005

Welcome back Dave Stone. Dave's first proper race for a couple of months saw him starting VERY circumspectly before 'opening up', overtaking a great deal of the field before finishing in a creditable 11th place overall; and in a pretty decent time considering.

Large field - some 500+ entries - so the first mile was rather frenetic weaving in and out of the traffic. Roger went off fast hoping to get clear, but was surprised to find Dave S and Adrian overtaking him around the one mile point, run in 5:32. Shaun and Andrew were having a little battle all of their own, whilst John Perratt, starting more conservatively waited for the crowd to thin before really getting into his running. By the second mile, Ed had managed to get clear and into some steady running, whilst Diccon and Dave E were having problems of their own with the crowds.

The slow second mile, taking in the gasworks hill, saw the field string out rather, but the double lap of Paignton Green brought confusion for the faster runners on the second lap - just whom were they chasing, and whom could they safely ignore.

Just before the double circuit, Roger managed to get past Adrian and close up on the leading lady, Helen Parkinson from Bideford.

Back up over the gasworks hill, the gaps were steadily growing, but the aformentioned Helen P quickly regained the initiative over Roger, finishing a place in front.

The final stackup:

Position - Time - Name - Category - Pace
11th 35:04 STONE, Dave M35-39 05:38.5
41st 37:57 ROWE, Roger MV60-64 06:06.3 1st Vet/60
45th 38:23 KEARNS, Adrian M35-39 06:10.5
56th 39:30 LOCK, Shaun M30-34 06:21.3
63rd 39:56 JOHNSON, Andrew MV40-44 06:25.5
83rd 41:00 PERRATT, John MV65+ 06:35.8 1st Vet/65
140th 44:12 SHUTT, Edward MV50-54 07:06.7
223rd 48:59 HAYES, Diccon M30-34 07:52.8
356th 56:00 EVELEIGH, David MV50-54 09:00.6

Great run in warm conditions, pretty well ideal. But those hills really kill the legs at pace!

Roger R.

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