Thursday, June 30, 2005

Harry and Sam...

Hi Roger - please could you pass my thanks to everyone at the club for the card and wonderful flowers - club colours too, magnificent!

Sam is settling in well - nights not brill, but early days yet. He's already put on five ounces, so doing well.

Can't wait for my first run - the doc says to wait a few weeks, so I'm itching to get my running shoes back on.

Many thanks again, and best wishes to everyone... happy running...

Jenny, Andy, Harry and Sam Reay Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Portreeve Challenge - Tuesday 28th June

My fears of a PW were unfounded... but only because the deluge shortly before we arrived in Ashburton - there were fire engines clearing out a flood that had just run down the main street! Forced us off the traditional course.

After a long delay, it was announced that the Portreeve's Challenge would be replaced by two laps of the fun run. I had a word with the Cigarette-Smoking-Man, suggesting that two laps was too short and wouldn't it be better to do three. He had a word with young Stephen Waldron and the three of us went off to talk to the organiser - well, I followed a metre behind. After extensive discussions and arguments, the organiser caved in - actually, he agreed immediately. So it was then announced the race would be three laps. (Each lap is about 2.5 miles)

Feeling the pace at the end of the second lap, I regretted my intervention but I hung on to finish 8th (out of 30 to 40) and I felt it went quite well. I ran with C-S-M for the second half mile but couldn't keep pace with him, but I did overtake someone near the end who beat me in the Michelmores race - the first time he had beaten me in years.

Andrew Johnson

 Posted by Hello

Jo's adventure in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Marathon

Had a fantastic weekend. The course had been changed significantly this year with Arthur's seat and some other hills taken out, although this meant more cobbles and a long climb from mile 24 to the finish.

The conditions were not great - very windy at the start and quite heavy downpours at intervals, but the atmosphere was great - bagpipes and hundreds of spectators along the route - good turnout considering the conditions !!

It was one lap... however the cycle track and the stretch along the beach was a little tedious as we had to double back - a bit demoralising. Then we were sent through an industrial estate, yuk!

There was a relay event going on at the same time so the change overs had to be well managed to filter the marathon runners from the relay teams. Water and energy stations were well stocked, but there were some problems with the mile markers as some were missing and others completely out.

The finish was a little cramped we were ferried to collect - medal - then T-shirt - then goody bag - then banana - then drink - still needing your hands to collect your kitbag and remove your timing chip - too many people in a small space to do too many things.

I am pleased that I choose Edinburgh as my first marathon - 3 hours 56 minutes and 40 seconds was my finishing time - did not know when and how hard to push myself - so looking for a much better time in my next one. Hope to see you soon...

Jo Darwood

Monday, June 27, 2005

Torbay Half Marathon - 26th June

Dave returned after his long lay-off with what looks like a careful run. Be a great time for must of us, but for Dave it shows he was looking after the injury. Paul and Gill providing good support.

16th 1:22:08 Dave STONE
105th 1:34:21 Paul SAMWAYS
562nd 2:02:50 Gill SAUNDERSON (LV/40 - 15th)

Roger R.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Killerton Kanter - 19th June

On Sunday morning 10 Harriers ran the Killerton Kanter, a 6.5 miles 'off road' race which starts and finishes at Killerton House. This is a tough course running along stoney paths and fields, and the hot weather made it hard going. A total of 133 finishers, saw a Harrier winning the race -- Tony Hatchard in 39.17.

Other results: Shaun Lock 12th (44.14),Andy Kennedy 18th(46,14), Paul Champion 22nd(48.06), Hannah Dupain 23rd and 3rd senior lady (48.21), Nigel Dupain 37th(53.41), Dawn Teed 67th (57.37), Jon Bamsey 69th(57.47), Hannah Jones 73rd (58.55) and Denise Kennedy 105th (65.47) completed the line-up. Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Bampton 10k - 18th June

90th Ian Wright 55:50
85th Jim Wyatt 53:22
84th Dave Eveleigh 53:13
45th Ray Elston 45:24
28th Andy Johnson 42:13
15th Roger Rowe 39:14
9th Hugh Marsden 37:09

VERY hot, VERY hilly, VERY humid... and the showers had been vandalised! What a wonderful place Bampton and the lanes toward and around Morbath are. Twisty little hills and dales in the most beautiful scenery one could desire. Nice to see Mandy there from Taunton to support. All the times a couple of minutes down... just leave me to sit in the shade for a while.

Roger R.

Ian I think finding the conditions just a bit too hot/humid. Great run Ian, it'll all seem easy after this! Must get him a Harriers vest... Posted by Hello

Jim hanging on to Dave like a limpet. Posted by Hello

Dave manfully struggling with the conditions on the back straight... Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Winslade Park (nearly 3k) 13th June

Well Maurice didn't measure it! Nearly 3k of parkland in very beautiful surroundings. For those who have never been into 'Winslade' it's worth a visit just to gawp!

10 Harriers as this inaugural race of the Summer series:

Roger Rowe Vet man 60 9m 56s (Missed the start, but Maurice
had a watch on him)
Hannah Dupain Snr lady 26 10m 14s
John Perratt Vet man 68 10m 26s (In Sidmouth Colours, but
we'll forgive him)
Adrian Taylor Vet man 49 10m 42s
Ray Elston Vet man 65 10m 47s
Bob Keast Vet man 48 11m 01s
Nigel Dupain Vet man 53 11m 24s
Dave Eveleigh Vet man 51 12m 41s
Les Turner Vet man 62 13m 03s
Mandy Marvin Vet lady 37 15m 40s

It's REALLY worth doing. Nice to see the Vet/60 team out in force. Incidentally sorry for the cricket photo, but it was the only one of Winslade Park that I could find.

Don't forget the "Erme Valley Relays" on the 8th July. The Vet/60 team of John, Rog, Ray and Rog are the team to beat!

Roger R.

Posted by Hello

Friday, June 10, 2005

Michelmores - 9th June 2005

The sixth annual Michelmores Charity run got underway under brilliant sunshine in Cathedral Yard Exeter when 770 runners took to their heels after Olympic equestrian medallist Mary King blew the starting hooter.

The race was preceded by a mass 'sweat and stretch' session in front of the Cathedral before the runners gathered for the 5 kilometre race which ended at the Imperial Hotel.

Michelmores, who have raised in excess of £50,000 for charity in the first five years of the event, anticipate that another £15,000 will be on its way to the Devon Air Ambulance Trust and inner city charity Surestart.

Men: Mark Cowen
Women: Hannah Dupain

(Roger R) Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Graham Sykes 10k - 5th June, 2005

Time Category Percentage Pos
37:52 KENNEDY, Andrew M47 77.50% 22nd
38:08 KEARNS, Adrian M35 70.73% 24th
39:52 PERRATT, John M68 89.32% 35th (1st Vet 55/60/65)
41:07 DUPAIN, Hannah F26 72.76% 45th (1st Senior lady)
41:45 RUSSELL, Lee M49 71.38% 51st
42:11 ELSTON, Ray M66 82.53% 57th (2nd Vet 60/65)
45:47 DUPAIN, Nigel M53 67.24% 86th
47:45 HAYNES, Diccon M34 56.49% 108th
49:05 WYATT, Jim M62 68.05% 123rd
53:04 NEWMAN, Sasha F43 60.30% 155th
54:17 KENNEDY, Denise F49 62.12% 159th
59:37 CROOK, Nicola F22 50.18% 178th
03:33 HARRISON, Nigel M61 52.04% 184th

Amazing runs by John Perratt and Ray Elston; John's time is likely to be in the UK top 5 Vet/65 ranking for 2005. Congratulations to all, the Press report will appear here when received.

Roger R.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Talaton Trotter - 4th June, 2005

9th 49.28 Steve Merry 1st V50
12th 49.?? Jim Pyne
16th 50.18 James Palmer
23rd 54.22 Paul Champion
24th 55.11 Hannah Dupain 1st Lady
28th 56.29 Tim Gent
34th 58.32 Bob Keast
35th 58.39 Nigel Dupain
47th 1.01.20 Stef French 3rd Lady
54th 1.02.31 Hannah Jones
61st 1.04.06 Dawn Teed
78th 1.07.30 Sue Wilkin Spot prize
111th 1.31.49 Jan Moulton 1st FV60

6.5 miles around tracks and paths from Talaton towards Feniton, doubling back across woods and farmland to Escot, and a final loop to the start/finish just outside the village. Great race but very hard !! Well done all.

(Tim Gent)