Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Great West Run - 1st May 2005

It may not have been May Day weather, but the 2,026 runners who took part in last Sunday's Great West Run half marathon in Exeter were not complaining about the cool, damp and overcast conditions. Although the two lap, undulating course makes this a hard race, the large crowds, excellent organisation and track finish more than compensate.

John Ward of Bristol took full advantage to win in 1:08:50 - nearly 90 seconds ahead of second placed Barry Reynolds. Exmouth's leading runner was Anthony Hatchard - but his excellent time of 1:15:16 was only good enough for 14th place in a high quality race.

This year the Great West Run incorporated the British Masters Half Marathon Championships - a national event for veteran athletes - and there were some excellent performances among the older runners. Fresh from his performances in the Falklands marathon and half marathon, Hugh Marsden was the second Harrier to finish, for 26th overall in 1:18:43 - but this was only good enough for the Silver Medal in the Vet/45 category behind Richard Drage of Tavistock, who ran 1:15:44. Roger Rowe went one better to win Gold in the Vet/60 race in 1:22:46. This was later confirmed as a record time for the South West region - as well as compensation for Roger, who was forced out of last month's London Marathon because of injury.

In between Marsden and Rowe, Steve Hockings-Thompson finished 28th in an excellent 1:19:00. Exmouth's leading woman was Hannah Dupain who recorded a very creditable 1:35:18. Hockings-Thompson, Hannah Dupain, and Chris Dupain (1:39:19) had all taken part in the London Marathon just a fortnight earlier, so their performances in Exeter were a considerable achievement.

Among the men, Adrian Kearns (85th, 1:26:00) and Phil Hatchard (91st, 1:26:47) also finished in the top 100. Andrew Kennedy's 1:27:44 left him in 101st place - last year this would have put him in the top 75, which is an indication of how standards and competition have risen in this event.

In all, 19 Harriers took part in this year's event. The other performances recorded by Exmouth runners were: Andrew Johnson (1:29:52), Shaun Lock (1:30:34), Tim Gent (1:35:10), Adrian Taylor (1:41:02), Nigel Dupain (1:43:57), Hannah Jones (1:52:24), David Woodley (1:55:56), Les Turner (2:00:21), Sasha Newman (2:03:55) and Denise Kennedy (2:08:48).

(Andrew Johnson)
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