Monday, March 28, 2005

Bampton-to-Tiverton Road Race

After finishing runner up in the Grizzly earlier this month, Exmouth Harriers' Anthony Hatchard went one better in Easter Monday's Bampton-to-Tiverton Road Race. Anthony went with the blistering early pace, and kept going when the earlier leaders began to slow, to win in 38 minutes and 48 seconds. He was 17 seconds ahead of second placed Martin Shapland of South West Road Runners, who just pushed Paul Froud of Brighton & Hove AC into third.

The 59th running of this historic race, which follows a 7.1 mile route down the Exe Valley before climbing past Knighthayes to finish in the People's Park in Tiverton, attracted 95 entrants and the run took place in cool conditions, which were ideal.

Phil Hatchard was the second Harrier home in 44:21 (15th male), followed by Andrew Johnson (17th in 45:30). Ray Elston was the winner of the male veteran age 65 category, finishing 32nd in 49:50.
(Andrew Johnson)
 Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Arborfield said...

Great to see Ray doing so well -- as many will know, Ray, John and I intend to compete in the National Vet's Relays in Sutton Park, Birmingham on the 21st May. Wonder how we will fare in that MUCH larger pond!