Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Ironbridge Winter 3k Series - Results

With the final races last night at Exeter Arena, I am glad to report success for a number of Harriers competitors over the series. To recap, to figure in the final standings each competitor was required to complete 3 out of the 4 races - in October, November, February and March (which ruled Roger out as he only completed the final two).

1st Lady overall - Hannah Dupain
3rd Lady V35 - Mandy Marvin

2nd Man V40 - Andrew Johnson
1st Man V45 - Lee Russell
1st Man V65 - John Perratt

In the final races last night, pride of place must go to Lee, who powered his way to claim his position with a gutsy and well-measured effort. Hannah 'pipped' John in their race, well clear of her competition. Mandy, although not at all fit at present, gamely stuck to the task in hand -- to see her face at the prize-giving was lovely; it's really nice when someone wins an unexpected prize!

Andrew and Roger quitted themselves well in a (very) fast 'B' race. Andy is to run the Duchy Marathon next Sunday, whilst Roger continues his preparation for 'London' with the Duchy 20.

Race sponsor Peter Ferlie mentioned a 3k Summer series will be held this year. So watch this space for details in due course.

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