Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Beginners Jogging Course

On Monday 4th April 2011 sixteen men and women met at the Withycombe Tennis Centre for the in augural session of the “beginners’ jogging course” arranged by the Harriers.  After re-assembling in Phear Park the Club Chairman, Bob Keast, welcomed the group to the first of the eight programmed Monday evenings which will culminate in a measured one mile run along Exmouth’s beach. The workout commenced with a series of stretching exercises led by Nicky Crook before the group were put through their paces, consisting of jogging and walking repetitions around the park. Four other Harriers, namely Steve Merry, Phil Bater, Dave Backway and Bob Woodall, were on hand to supervise the group. Finally Nicky Crook completed the session by taking the group through the same earlier stretching exercises to relax the muscles.

Monday 11th April saw the same sixteen "trainees” return for the second session accompanied by five extra people, including three from the Steve Merry clan. All the attendees seemed to enjoy themselves and we look forward to seeing them all again next week.

It was a good turn out from club members who assisted including Scott Jordon along with the same crew from the previous week.

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