Monday, January 18, 2010

East Devon Way Relay

Sunday 17th January 2010 saw the inaugural "East Devon Way Relay Race" won by a strong team from Exmouth Harriers.

The new race was in the shape of a twelve stage race along a 42 miles route starting at the long term car park at the rear of the railway station in Exmouth and finishing at the "Cobb" in Lyme Regis. Although there were twelve separate stages the teams of consisted only four runners, so each runner had to negotiate several stages. The stages varied in length from 2.1 miles, which included much uphill work, to the longest stage of 5.8 miles, by far the toughest section, which included lengths of flat terrain with both downhill and uphill sections.

Exmouth Harriers entered two teams, one men only and the second a team of both sexes.

The men's team consisted of Mike Musgrove, who ran legs 1,6 and 7, Adam Miller who ran legs 2 and 9, Dave Stone, who ran legs 3,4 and 5, and Jamie Pearson, who ran legs 8 and 10. This team finished first in an overall time of 4 hours and 56 minutes some 20 minutes ahead of the team finishing in second place namely the host club Axe Valley Runners.

The mixed team consisting of Emma Dupain, Steve Merry, Lucy Hodgeson and Terry Oldham. This team opted to complete the course by each member completing about ten miles, subject to hand over locations and , finished in 11th position in an overall time of 6 hours and 11 minutes.

As would have been expected following the recent adverse weather experienced the conditions underfoot was very heavy indeed. Parts of the course were awash with water, especially the section between Colyton and Musbury where runners waded through knee deep puddles. However, fortunately, the weather conditions on the day were dry with bright sunny skies. A really great new race and an excellent performance from both Exmouth Harrier's teams.

Unfortunately due to the recent adverse weather conditions the latest round of the Brooks Westward Cross Country League to be held on Sunday 17th January 2010 in Bideford was cancelled. The overall results will now be ascertained from the best four results of the five races which are scheduled to be completed in March at Redruth.



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