Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday 15th November

On Sunday 15th, members of Exmouth Harriers were entered in several separate race events, namely the Cornish Marathon, the Drogo 10, and the Brooks Westward Cross Country League held at St Austell.

Dave Stone was the lone member of the Exmouth Harriers to enter the Cornish Marathon. From the mouths of competitors this is an extremely hard, hilly course, possibly one of the hardest marathons in Europe. Dave continued in the vein of his previous entries to this marathon and finished in an impressive 4th position in a time of 2hrs, 59mins, 40 seconds.
Eleven members of the Exmouth Harriers entered the Drogo 10, which is a 10 mile off road event staged around the slopes of Castle Drogo.

An impressive 517 runners completed the greulling course with the first home Mark HOPKINSON, of Taunton AC, in a time of 1hr, 02mins and 13 secs. The last runner completed the course in 2hrs, 32mins and 08secs. The event starts at the Castle Drogo and makes its way along the main drive, slightly uphill, before taking a sharp right turn down onto the infamous Hunters Path, which descends sharply to the river. After this the course is at its most demanding with wet, muddy, slippy and uneven surfaces. Most of the route being along a switchback through woodlands and forestry tracks or by the side of the river on waterlogged tracks. Going was made even more interesting by the recent heavy rains which had caused the streams flowing across the track to swell to varing depths. At Fingle Bridge, when energy levels are at a low, a sharp left turn brings the final steep ascent, back toward the finish, into view. Many competitors at this stage are reduced to walking the steep incline before the final stretch of course along the edge of the hill back to the finsh line at the castle.

For Exmouth Harriers Pete McKEOWN finished in 21st position in a time of 1hr, 13mins and 15secs. Pete was the 2nd to finish in his MV45 category. Adam MILLER finished in 34th position in a time of 1-15-38. Mike MUSGROVE finished in 38th position in a time of 1-16-13. Alex HOOPER finished in 62nd position in a time of 1-19-13. Duncan PARKES finished in 96th position in a time of 1-22-50. Emma DUPAIN finished in 145th position in a time of 1-26-46. Terry OLDHAM finished in 148th position in a time of 1-27-07. John PERRATT finished in 232nd position in a time of 1-34-22. John was the first in his V65+ category. Lucy HODGSON finished in 233rd position in a time of 1-34-29. Lorraine SLIGHT finished in 250th position in a time of 1-36-35. Dawn TEED completed the Harriers contingent in 275th position in a time of 1-38-16.

Bob Woodall and Ray Elston competed in the Brooks Westward League Cross Country race at Penrice School in St. Austell. The atmospheric conditions were ideal for the multi lap 9.5 kilometre course around the school playing fields but the conditions underfoot were extremely heavy after the recent downpours experienced building up to the day of the race. As the senior men's race was started after various other categories the ground was seriously cut up and the tight bends resembled quagmires. There were many 180 degree turns and twists and several short severe ascents with equally severe descents. The senior men's race was won convincingly by Tom Merson in an impressive time in the colours of South West Road Runners. Bob Woodall finished in 93rd place in a time of 44mins 37secs and Ray Elston, first in the v70 category, finished in 108th place some three minutes later.


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