Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Last week's races...

Tuesday, 4th August, saw Round 3 of the Run Exe Summer 5K Series at Exwick won by Exmouth runner Tom Merson, running for Bristol and West A C, in 15:12.

Two Harriers, Carlos Payan and Andy Johnson, were among the field of 59 runners who completed the event. Carlos came 13th in 18:00 and Andy was 21st in 19:26.

Last Sunday, five Harriers lined up amongst the 184 ultimate finishers of the Sidmouth Festival Run over a distance of 10 kilometres.

The starting line was in the blazing sun on the western slope of the Sid valley with an immediate steep climb ascending the cliff for almost one kilometre. At the top of the first steep hill a restrictive gate gave the runners a much-needed early breather with over nine kilometres still to cover. Twists, turns and stairs saw the competitors rise higher and higher up the cliff top before turning inland across moor like conditions.

Despite the recent mini heat wave there were still many wet and muddy areas to negotiate. Once across the golf course at the ninth hole, the route took yet another incline, which graduated to the peak almost five kilometres into the race. Here amongst the woodland splendid views were attained across the Sid valley by those runners able to enjoy the view whilst also keeping a sharp eye on the ground for exposed tree roots and potholes.

With over half the event completed, the course began to descend back to the finish. Burning muscles were stretched out as the ground dropped back towards Sidmouth and the finish line, and the runners completed the race with a sprint due more to the steep decline than the power of the legs.

As with the start, the race was completed in glorious sunshine allowing all competitors to cool down under the sun's rays.

The race was won by Carl Prewer of the Lowestoft Road Runners in a time of 41 minutes and 16 seconds. Well done Dave Stone, who led the Exmouth Harriers home in 3rd place in an excellent time of 41:27, only 11 seconds behind the winner. Bob Woodall finished in 48th place in 52:38.

Congratulations to Ray Elston, who took the award for the 1st V70 and was 70th overall in 56:48. Jim Wyatt, second V60 and 86th overall in 58:44, was unlucky to miss the 1st V60 award by one place and just 5 seconds.

Les Turner completed the Exmouth Harrier contingent in 106th place in 61:04. The last competitor crossed the finishing line in a time of 1 hour 58 minutes and 44 seconds.

As the organisers advertised in their literature, the race was not one for personal best times, but one to enjoy and I can confirm that some of the views were truly breathtaking.

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