Saturday, May 16, 2009

BMAF Road Relays - Sutton Park

Lots to say about this year's BMAF Road relays with Ray, Mick and John winning the first national relay title ever to grace the club -- 1st V70 team --John bringing the side home well clear of 2nd place Bingley Harriers, and incidentally running the fastest leg of the day.
And all this after Ray (and Roger) were tripped on the start line and completed the first legs covered in blood. Ray finished looking as if he had gone 3 rounds with Phil Crook!
The gruesome details:
Awaiting the start Roger and Ray were deep in conversation, not realising that within a second of the 'off' both would be lying on the road in various undignified positions spouting blood. For Roger that was left shoulder, hip, knee and elbow (plus a 'spout' from the right thumb). But Ray came off far worse... his arms were caught too, so he hit the tarmac with forehead, nose and chin. And for both the usual (in these cases) 'gravel rash'. Both were up in a second or two, and both set off to chase the disappearing field.
Ray says that he did not really know where he was until the beginning of the first hill, about 400 metres from the start. But streaming blood and, no doubt, causing much concern to those watching, he gamefully continued.
By the end of his first leg, Ray had caught the two V70 teams in front -- Sutton Coldfield (last year's winners) and Bingley Harriers.
Leg 1:
Rich Cashmore - Sutton Coldfield (21:43)
George Perkins - Bingley Harriers (21:59) and
Ray Elston - Exmouth Harriers (22:01)
Ray handed over to new 'first claim' member (from Sidmouth Harriers) Mick Allen, who like both the V60 & V70 'squads' have been working on the track at Exmouth over the past month or so. With the 2nd-leg Sutton Coldfield athlete dropping well off the pace, by the time the first two came into sight at the Keepers Pool (three-quarter of a mile to go at that point), Mick was on the shoulder of the Bingley athlete. A position that he more-or-less maintained to the handover.
Leg 2:
John Smithhurst - Bingley Harriers (22:54)
Mick Allen - Exmouth Harriers (22:58)
Therefore handing over to John Parratt with a 6-second deficit to Fred Gibbs of Bingley. Now, the topic of conversation that morning was how John would fare against Fred if they came into direct opposition? Fred's best 3k time in 2008 was 11:52 against John's 12:25, and Fred's 5k time of 20:09 against John's 22:19? This was going to be a race worth seeing.
In the event John quickly moved alongside Fred going up the hill, and pulled away rapidly as it seems Fred was having a problem with a leg injury. Pity for the watchers, but by the Keepers Pool, John passed with Fred not even in sight -- bringing the team home in 1st place with a leg of 20:43. A BMAF medal for the team, and the indivual 'gold' for John -- I think the V60 watchers and Mary and Mandy were more excited than Ray, Mick and John! A momentous occasion for the club too -- our very first national relay title.
Our V60 team of Les, Jim and Roger were, as expected well down the field, but they really enjoyed supporting their more illustrious club-mates.
As always, a very exciting event. Now, for 2010, could we not run to entering three teams? To add a V50 team to our V60 and V70 effort would be amazing. And how about a V35, V45 or V55 ladies team(s).
Oh! I nearly forgot. Derek Donaghy ran a quick leg -- 17:22 (a V50 of course).

[John bringing the victorious V70 side home]

[V60 and V70 Lads pose - the former basking in the glory of the latter]

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