Tuesday, March 24, 2009

All sorts of SUCCESS (!)

[Hugh in the Falklands Marathon]

On Sunday, 15th March, Harrier Hugh Marsden ran an excellent Falkland Islands Marathon and came second, just as he did last year, but in a PB of 2:57:08. The conditions were reasonably warm, but not as balmy as last year, and the race was won by Lee Pattison in 2:55:51. The Argentinian Marcelo E DE Bernardis came 3rd in 2:57:22, several minutes faster than last year and only 14 seconds behind Hugh.

The fifth and final round of the Ironbridge Runner Winter 3K Series at Exeter Arena on Wednesday, 18th March, was won by Tom Merson of South West Road Runners in 8:56. Congratulations to Tom, who also won the overall series (4 out of 5 races to count) with 3 wins and a second place.
Harriers athletes were very successful with 3 overall series winners and a second place, out of the 7 male categories. Roger Rowe was 1st V60 in 12:13, and also 1st for the overall series, having won all 5 rounds. Well done, Roger!

Congratulations, also, to Ray Elston, who was 1st V65 in 12:37 and 1st V65 overall, having won all the 4 events he contested. And to Jim Wyatt, 3rd V65 on the night in 13:42 and 2nd over the whole series.

Finally, John Perratt was 1st V70 in 12:25 (and he’s only 72!) and, like Roger, 1st overall in his category with 5 straight wins out of five. Well done, John!

Last Sunday also saw the final event of another winter series, the 6th round at Redruth of the Brooks Westward Cross Country League. Only 56 runners, around half the usual number, completed the senior men’s event that was won by Jim Cole of Tavistock AC in 26:12. Although there were no senior Harriers at Redruth, congratulations go to Ray Elston who was 3rd V60 over the whole series (5 out of 6 races to count).

Exmouth did, however, have rapidly improving Jamie Pearson in the Men U17 event. And, after coming 2nd in both of the last 2 rounds at Bideford and Bovey Tracey, Jamie finally beat both the overall series winner, Tom Gill of Tavistock AC, and the series runner-up, J Waldie of Cornwall AC, to win his category, together with his trophy for a thoroughly well-deserved 3rd place over the series, just 1 point behind J Waldie. Well done, Jamie! (Definitely one to watch in the future)

Finally, last Sunday, Harrier Mark Thompson took part in the Hogweed Hilly Half Marathon, a great race for those wishing to get away from it all across prime South Gloucestershire countryside, with hills that require runners to put their legs in gear and forget all about PB’s. 270 runners completed the race that was won by Tom Fisher in 1:19:00. Mark was 31st in 1:36:47 after an excellent race, following a recent viral infection.


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