Friday, July 25, 2008

Track Intervals

Hi All,

Some will know that the V60 lads have started back on the track on (most) Tuesdays and Thursdays... basically doing 1,500 based intervals (our endurance is pretty well ok, although we do do longer intervals from time to time).

We do 1.5 miles jog warm up -- round the Quay and back -- then normally 4 x 100 metres strides at the pace we will be aiming at that day, the session itself, and finally 1.5 miles warm down again round the Quay.

After yesterday's session (300 metres x 5) x 2 (i.e. two 1,500 meter efforts at 5 minute (k) pace) -- with rests of course -- we wondered if other members of the club might like to join with us.

Our next session is on Tuesday, at 6pm, and will be a 'pre-race' --Totnes 10k the following weekend -- (200 x 5) x 2 again at 5 minute (k)pace (or as close as we can get to it (again with rests to recover). That means for each 200 interval we have a target 40 seconds (we don't always reach it)!! We all agree it's hard work but fun. The last interval yesterday none of us could catch Ray at all... he saved his best till the 10th interval!

No session next Thursday.

Hope a few can join with Ray, Jim, Bob W. and Roger week by week.

Roger R.

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