Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tresco Marathon

The field of 125 for the Tresco Marathon, which was won by Bob Brown in 2:59:29, included Exmouth Harrier Richard Selby, competing in his first marathon for 22 years. He picked a beautiful but gruelling event for the occasion, because 7 ½ laps of an island with 4 hills on it means 30 hills in total!

The runners had a rude awakening when the boat taking them to the island put them down in the water, which they had to wade through, getting nice and wet in the process. Despite this, Richard thought the organisation was brilliant.

The conditions were reasonably good and Richard ran superbly to come 1st V55 and 10th overall in 3:26:22. He was very tired, but managed to maintain a steady pace throughout.

Richard was delighted that he was able to raise around £600 for the official marathon charity, Cystic Fibrosis and would like to thank all his sponsors, to whom he is extremely grateful.

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