Monday, May 07, 2007

Great West Run - Results

Hugh Marsden 12th 01:20:15 M45 3rd
Paul Samways 25th 01:24:17 MSEN 15th
Andy Kennedy 78th 01:30:28 MSEN 45th (?)
Bob Keast 185th 01:37:17 M50 4th
Duncan Parkes 267th 01:40:28 MSEN 152nd
Emma Dupain 309th 01:41:41 FSEN 12th
Nigel Dupain 409th 01:44:44 M55 8th
Chris Dupain 498th 01:46:47 MSEN 290th
Ben White 863th 01:55:40 MSEN 467th
Trevor Cope 1,076th 02:00:30 M50 44th
Denise Kennedy 1,607th 02:18:18 F50 24th

Athlete of the day? Hugh's great 12th in the field [3rd Vet/45]

PS I understand Ray Elston ran the 5k fun-run in 21:47 (2nd Vet/40, 7th overall), with Jim Wyatt in 9th overall (3rd Vet/40) in 23:23; whilst Roger Rowe, running in the main race ran the first 3 miles at 7-minute pace, and the second 3 miles at 6-minute pace, before stopping at mile 8. All in preparation for the BMAF Road Relays in Sutton Park, Birmingham next Saturday.

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