Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Bicton Blister 2006

26th November dawned cold and clear after a wild night of rain, thunder and hail. By 9:30am the sun was making it's presence felt -- and for the rest of the day we enjoyed typical clear and sunny autumn weather. The reason that many make the pilgrimage to the lower Otter Valley in late November was obvious for all to see. The Commons in particular were at their most scenic, although a bit treacherous in the muddy bits due to the amazing amount of rain we have had over the previous night (week... month)!

Andy Chambers overcame Anthony Hatchard in the end to finish the 'around' 11 mile course in a creditable 1:04:20 with Anthony just 27 seconds behind. Ultra-star Heather Foundling-Hawker finished 18th place overall, and 1st lady, in 1:12:33 giving Jon Croome and Joe Pascoe a bit of a shock I should think. What power Heather hides in that tiny frame.

The results may be obtained by 'clicking' the title above.

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