Thursday, October 05, 2006

Exeter Winter 3k - Race 1 - 4th October

Roger Rowe 10:54
Andrew Johnson 10:59
Lee Russell 11:32
Nigel Dupain 12:01
John Perratt 12:24
Les Turner 14:52
Dave Eveleigh 16:38

Excellent night... cool with no wind, ideal conditions in fact. Roger and Andrew continue their duel, with Lee running rather quicker than he had felt capable. John was rather mismatched in the 'B' race (he would have been quicker IMHO in the 'C' race) tailing off rather. Nice to see Les and and Dave too. Dave I think has run more of these 3k races than any other club member, having been part of the organising team for ages too. A good night.

The next 3k 'on the track' race is on the 1st November... it is not too late to enter the series (of 4) as 3 out of 4 are to count towards the final positions.


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