Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Self Transcendence 5k - Edinburgh (6-Sep)

Phew... that's a mouthful. Andy Johnson and I ran the ST 5k in The Meadows in Edinburgh on Wednesday (6th) night. In my case after a 5 hour drive up to Scotland from Sheffield.

The results?

I finished in 19:03 (a personal worst, but still 1st V/60 with Andy just behind in 19:04). He'd have beaten me but for Mary yelling at me in the final 30 yards that he was closing fast. I was knackered... my splits say it all.... 5:50 - mile 1, 6:09 - mile 2, 6:20 - mile 3, with the odd 44 seconds for the final tenth. Felt SO weary come the end. Andy ran VERY even pace for the whole race.

Great fun anyway... especially as I was able to run up Arthur's Seat the day afterwards before returning to Sheffield yesterday.

Anyone else going to the Yeovilton 5k on Wednesday (7pm-ish start)?
I'll be there... travelling hopefully!

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