Wednesday, September 27, 2006

SEAA Veteran Road Relays - Rushmoor Arena, Aldershot : 23rd September

The off... Posted by Picasa

The tent at Rushmoor

Here John Bryant and I are chatting with Geoff Scott (Poole - Bronze last year) who's club did not manage a V60 team this year. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Here are the boys...

SEAA Veterans Road Relays - V60 race
Saturday, 23rd September 2006

Rushmoor Arena in Aldershot was constructed in 1923 for Army Tattoos, and over the years has seen many thousands of folk congregating in its spacious setting. Over the past 20 years, in the early autumn of the year, it has been the venue for the South of England AA Road Relays. The role of honour of the event is long and distinguished, with medals in the past being won by British Olympic, European and Commonwealth athletes.

After a 4th place in the 2005 event, the Exmouth Harriers Vet/60 squad travelled to this year's event in anticipation of a hard-fought battle for the 2006 medals.

A hot (23.5 degrees) and very humid day in the Rushmoor bowl caused some furrowed brows... but heck, it's the same for everyone, although the times suffered as a result.

Roger Rowe was, as usual, running the first leg for the Harriers, and completed the two-lap, 6k course in 23:02 to finish in 1st place, 1 minute and 9 seconds clear of the second placed athlete in what turned out to be the 3rd fastest leg of the day. Handing over to Ray Elston.

Ray ran a storming leg in 26:26 to finish extending the Harriers lead to 1 minute and 20 seconds over eventual winners Oxford City AC.

New member John Bryant was the Harriers third leg runner, running his first race in the blue and gold. John has been out of the sport for some years after an illustrious Vet/40 & 50 career, but ran well to complete in 27:08 but dropping one place to hand over to anchor leg runner John Perratt some 2 minutes and 20 seconds adrift of Oxford City AC. The big 'mover' on this leg was Clive Rutland of Oxford who took over 3 minutes out of John in 6 kilometers!

John Perratt was as usual our 'anchor' athlete, but found the pressure from fast-finishing Hugh Arnold from Thames Hare and Hounds too hot to handle, so losing another place on his leg, but bringing the Harriers home in good heart in Bronze medal position well clear of Herts Phoenix AC in 4th place. Oxford's Gareth Jones running the fastest leg of the day bringing Oxford home in first place.

Final Results and Positions:
Gold - Oxford United 1:37:04
Silver - Thames Hare & Hounds 1:41:15
Bronze - Little old Exmouth Harriers, up against all these 'big guns' 1:42:25

Harriers Leg Times:
1st leg - Rog Rowe 23:02
2nd leg - Ray Elston 26:26
3rd Leg - John Bryant 27:08
Anchor - John Perratt 25:49

Fastest Individual Times:
Gold - Gareth Jones (Oxford United) 22:48
Silver - Hugh Arnold (Thames Hare & Hounds) 22:53
Bronze - Rog Rowe (Exmouth Harriers) 23:02

Gareth also won the BMAF 10k in Swansea the day after the Rushmoor relays - a notable double.

It was really great too, to have Jim Wyatt in attendance acting as reserve, team manager and chief supporter! Thanks Jim...

Roger R.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Yeovilton 5k - 13th Sept

Just back from the final race in this year's series. Big field, of pretty good quality. Very dark and dank with rain and humidity.

I ran 18:46 (6:02pace) for 1st Vet/60 - 85.20%

Now for 10 days rest before the Vet's relays at Aldershot.

(Roger R)

Race Reports - 10 Sept

ON Sunday September 10th 2 harriers travelled to Ivybridge for the Ivybrige Beacon Challenge an 7.5 mile Multi-Terrain race which took the runners through some tough terrain and also a small river crossing. Dave Stone racing his first race since the Great West run came home in 5th place overall and 3rd senior man in a time of (54.55), and also taken part was Jim Wyatt who came home in 55th place in a time of ( 1.13.31). There were a total of 109 finishers... the winner, Russell Quew of Plymouth Harriers in (51.01).

Also on the same day 7 Harriers travelled to Seaton for the Seaton Half Marathon and the Incorportating of the Devon Half Marathon Championships. With a fast 2 lap course some the runners were hoping that their was a chance of personal best for the half.

First home for the Harriers was Steve Tancock who finished in 15th place overall and 2nd vet 50 in ( 1.26.24 ), Adrain Kearns came next in 17th place in ( 1.27.10 ), with Hannah Dupain in 65th place overall and 1st Senior Lady in ( 1.35.50 ).

Supervet John Perratt came home in 115th place,1st Vet 65 in ( 1.42.56 ), Emma Dupain came home in 181st place in ( 1.55.32 ), Nigel Dupain came next in 182nd place in ( 1.55.33 ),and completing

The Harriers line-up was completed by Trevor Cope who came home in 200th place in ( 1.59.18 ) .Their were a total of 278 finishers and the winner was Mike Feighan of Exeter Harriers in ( 1.16.02 ). In the Devon Half Marathon Championship Exmouth Harriers took home 2 gold and 1 silver medals for their hard work. They were Hannah Dupain who took home a gold medal for being the 1st senior lady, John Perratt also took home gold in the vet 65 age category and Steve Tancock took the silver medal in the vet 50 age category.

(Jon Bamsey)

Self Transcendence 5k - Edinburgh (6-Sep)

Phew... that's a mouthful. Andy Johnson and I ran the ST 5k in The Meadows in Edinburgh on Wednesday (6th) night. In my case after a 5 hour drive up to Scotland from Sheffield.

The results?

I finished in 19:03 (a personal worst, but still 1st V/60 with Andy just behind in 19:04). He'd have beaten me but for Mary yelling at me in the final 30 yards that he was closing fast. I was knackered... my splits say it all.... 5:50 - mile 1, 6:09 - mile 2, 6:20 - mile 3, with the odd 44 seconds for the final tenth. Felt SO weary come the end. Andy ran VERY even pace for the whole race.

Great fun anyway... especially as I was able to run up Arthur's Seat the day afterwards before returning to Sheffield yesterday.

Anyone else going to the Yeovilton 5k on Wednesday (7pm-ish start)?
I'll be there... travelling hopefully!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Bideford 10 - 3rd September

Steve Merry - M50 1:13:35
Dawn Teed - W40 1:19:26
Diccon Haynes - SM 1:24:20
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