Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter Monday - Bampton to Tiverton

Ray with the Vet/65 cup, Roger with the Vet/60 cup and Jim with a coffee cup !

The Vet/60s at the 60th running of the Bampton to Tiverton Road Race (about 7.15 miles). Great race... a reminder of why it has been so popular over the years... grief when it was first run I was 1 month old! Jim finished in 55:41, Ray in 50:40 and 1st Vet/65, and Roger in 43:42 for 1st Vet/60. Nice to be supported (all the way from Leamington Spa) by Mandy. Mary R took the photo.

Roger R.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good photo Ray! Can you contact me? I'm at dave_whitton@sbcglobal dot net.I've got some interesting stuff about dad.
Best Wishes David