Sunday, March 26, 2006

Teignbridge 10 - 26th March 2006

Well it wasn't cold, but the rain started (again) a minute or two after the start. By the time we all finished we were saturated. Even the cold showers in the changing rooms felt warm!


Dawn Teed - 78:04 - Devon Bronze LV40
Lee Russell - 77:12
John Perratt - 69:44 - 1st Vet/65 (Devon Gold)
Roger Rowe - 64:12 - 1st Vet/60 (Devon Gold and RRC Championship Gold)
Andy Kennedy - 63:51
Steve Tancock - 63:27 - 3rd Vet/50 (Hey, he must have got the bronze too)

Great to put-a-face-to-a-name at last with Steve T. I had a ding-dong with him for around 5 miles, but he got away after that. Andy K came back after suffering following a 'too fast' start to finish very fast indeed.

Great runs by all.

Roger R.

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