Sunday, January 30, 2005

Broadclyst Bimble

Sunday 30th January

A cool cloudy day welcomed 10 Harriers to this year's Bimble. Although the rain has been absent for some days, the course still proved to be somewhat 'sticky' in parts. The race covers the half-marathon distance, but only 3.5 miles are on the road, the remaining 10 miles is through National Trust property -- 'undulating' woods and fields.

Unfortunately, late in the race, due to a NT warden thinking that the course was too dangerous for the runners, after the leader Neil Holmes passed, he altered the course! Leaving poor Neil to charge on. Once recalled he made his way back up to 2nd place, with Anthony Hatchard from the Harriers finishing in 1st place. The race was awarded however to Neil, as his 'detour' was no fault of his.

Harriers results:

2nd Anthony Hatchard 1:30:34
4th Dave Stone 1:31:38
5th Hugh Marsden 1:32:03 (1st vet/40) A brilliant run I heard.
25th Shaun Lock 1:46:00
27th Phil Hatchard 1:46:38
35th Steve Merry 1:48:50 (2nd vet/50)
50th Camilla Sharpe 1:52:22 (2nd lady just 15 seconds behind the winner -- Camilla goes from strength to strength)
84th Bob Keast 2:03:09
110th Nicky Kelly 2:09:55
142nd Dawn Teed 2:20:59

There were 209 finishers

Andrew Johnson and Roger Rowe spent the morning running the Stonehenge Stomp -- 30k+ of track and paths around the famous monument -- in preparation for their Spring Marathons. Both finished in good heart in 2:33:53 (Roger) with Andy just a couple of minutes behind.

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