Sunday, November 07, 2004

Drogo 10

What a race it proved for the Harriers, with Nick Hatchard (1:00:46) winning easily from twin brother Anthony (1:02:17), with Hugh Marsden (1:04:23) bringing the Men's team trophy to the club with a quite wonderful 4th place (1st V/45).

Other club positions:
Jon Croome (1:13:05) for 38th
Roger Rowe (1:16:17) for 52nd (3rd V/55)
Ian Teague (1:25:01) in 120th
Lorraine Croome (1:27:35) in 134th
Maria Lock (1:34:56) in 187th

Run in ideal conditions, with little wind and no rain, the course proved less muddy than could have been expected after the rain of the previous fortnight. Nick got away fairly early on, whilst Anthony soon made it a sibling-double with Martin Owen from Bideford (who also lives in East Devon) in 3rd. Hugh came powering through in the latter stages to take a quite magnificent 4th.

Jon and Roger swapped positions early on, but Jon's superior strength soon saw him pulling away. Good to see Ian doing so well. Lorraine of course relishes these difficult courses, and was seen at the end offering sympathy and support to Roger who does not! Maria brought the Harriers contingent home with a well paced 187th. In all there were 287 finishers.

Sorry we did not get photos of the latter four... the camera battery packed up!

1 comment:

Arborfield said...

Nick was just 10 seconds outside Mike Feighan's course record... and entirely unpressed during the whole race. Phew!