Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Grizzly, and other races...

Wednesday, 4th March saw Round 4 of the Ironbridge Runner Winter 3K Series of five events at Exeter Arena on a cold evening with temperatures only just above freezing. The winner was David Wilkinson in 9:43, over ¾ minute slower than the winning time of 8:55 at Round 3 in December.

The first Harrier to finish was Andy Johnson in 11:35, followed by Roger Rowe in 12:10, John Perratt in 12:27, Ray Elston in 12:44, Jim Wyatt in 13:46 and Les Turner in 15:00. The fifth and final round, postponed from 4th February, will be held on Wednesday, 18th March.
Last Sunday, the Grizzly 2009 duly took place and, fortunately for the participants, the weather was much less hostile than forecast. So although the strong, cold wind caused some discomfort at the more exposed locations, the rain / hail was limited to a few very short-lived showers. 1446 runners completed the full 20-mile event, including 15 Exmouth Harriers, who produced some excellent performances.
The race was won by John Macfarlane of Thames Hare & Hounds in 2:19:21. Dave Stone had a superb run to lead the Harriers home in 40th place in 2:49:01. Well done, Dave!
Adam Miller, 53rd in 2:52:21, Jon Croome, 63rd in 2:55:21 and Paul Champion, 214th in 3:16:01 all ran excellent races. Joe Pascoe was 144th in 3:08:59, Ben White 295th in 3:23:27 and Hannah Dupain 296th in 3:23:34. Lorraine Croome came 452nd in 3:35:56, Terry Oldham 521st in 3:41:47 and Emma Dupain 531st in 3:42:15. Dawn Teed was 542nd in 3:42:52, Lorraine Slight 718th in 3:55:20 and Matt Mason 765th in 3:58:04.
Sue Wilkin was 1139th in 4:32:25 with Les Turner 1140th in 4:32:58. However, on an age-graded basis, Sue was in the top 750. And this was despite waiting several minutes while Les, who managed to get well and truly stuck in the deepest bog and was “claimed” by the Lean, Mean BogStalker, had to be pulled out and rescued by several stout-hearted helpers.
The 9-mile Grizzly Cub run was won by Martin Owen in 1:04:34. Congratulations to Harrier Jim Wyatt who had a great race for 1st V65 and 55th overall in 1:33:31, out of the 277 finishers.

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