Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Fulfords GWR '5'

The distance may have only been 5 miles, but the violent winds made this year’s Great West Fulfords Five a very difficult race for the 300 finishers. Congratulations to all of you!

The race, which was won by Andrew Chambers in 27:29, involved two laps of the sea front and town centre, and after a very severe sand blasting, none of the men needed to shave! Fourteen Exmouth Harriers completed the race including Heather Irvine, Katie Comer, Natalie Williams and Shaan Ellor enjoying?? their first race for the club.

The first Exmouth Harrier to finish after a superb run was Joe Pascoe, 8th in 30:46. Next, after an even greater performance, came superstar Cathy Newman, 1st LV45, 1st lady and 11th overall, in 31:03. Her age graded performance of over 83% in those conditions, was phenomenal!!

Roger Rowe had an excellent run for 1st V60 and 34th overall in 34:07 and Jo Darwood was 50th in 35:02. Bob Woodall came 54th in 35:31, with Mark Thompson 55th, 5 seconds later. Another great performance made John Perratt 1st V70 and 66th overall in 36:17. Ray Elston, barely recovered from his illness, was also outstanding for 1st V65 and 106th overall in 38:58.

Ted Bloomfield came 110th in 39:37, with Jim Wyatt 2nd V65 and 114th overall in 39:50. Heather Irvine was 200th in 45:33, with Katie Comer 201st in 45:48. Natalie Williams and Shaan Ellor were 242nd and 243rd, both in 49:24.

Our thanks go to Fulfords for sponsoring the race for another year and again providing the Fulford’s “Smart” car to act as the “Lead Car” to the race. Also, to race director Bob Keast for all his hard work, the Exmouth Air and Sea Cadets for marshalling, St John’s Ambulance and the local police, and the members of Exmouth Harriers who carried out other duties including registration of late entries, timekeeping, production of results, marshalling, etc.

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