Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sunday 17th February races...

The Hestercombe Humdinger is a challenging 9 ½ mile figure of eight race (perfect for spectators), run entirely on quiet country lanes and rural roads. It is set in the wonderful Quantock Hills in the heart of Somerset and starts and finishes at the delightful Hestercombe Gardens. Here runners and spectators can marvel at the fantastic scenery and enjoy a pint or a spot of grub in Bamfylde Hall.

The race was won by Gerry Hogg of South West Vets A C in 57:18. 252 runners completed the race, including two Exmouth Harriers. Katie Comer was 165th in 1:27:56 and Trevor Cope came 190th in 1:32:32.

The hills in the Dalwood Three Hills Challenge are very steep and this year’s race was extended from around 10 to 10 ½ miles. The course was extremely muddy in places and the three streams that had to be crossed left the runners feeling wet and uncomfortable.

Dave Stone, the first of the five Exmouth Harriers to finish, had a tremendous race for 2nd place. He gained ground on the leader by charging down all the downhill sections, but unfortunately lost it on some of the other parts of the course. In the end, he failed to catch the winner, Andrew Chambers of Bristol & West in 1:11:56, by just 38 seconds, finishing runner-up in 1:12:34. Congratulations to Dave on a great race!

Joe Pascoe, a young runner who is improving steadily, also had an excellent race to come 4th in 1:15:25. Katie Comer was 115th in 1:54:30, just ahead of Heather Irvine, 116th in 1:54:31. Trevor Cope came 128th in 2:03:21 out of the field of 146 runners.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sunday 10th February races...

Three Exmouth Harriers took part in the Meldon Hill Race near Okehampton on Sunday, 10th February, which was organised by the Devon Orienteering Club. There was a choice of three courses, long (14 miles with 1100m climb), medium (9 miles with 775m climb) and short (5 miles with 325m climb). All three courses started and finished at Meldon Reservoir and went out onto Dartmoor, the terrain being open moorland varying from steep sided tors to large, open expanses of heather / rough grass.

The winner of the long course was Scott Granger-Bevan of J.O.K. in 116:30. Exmouth’s Jon Croome was 21st in 191:30. There were 25 finishers.

Rob Parkinson of Devon O.C. won the medium course in 97:00. Exmouth’s Tim Gent was 4th in 114:30 and Lorraine Croome was 12th in 141:00, out of the field of 18 runners.

Two Exmouth Harriers competed in the Torrington Torment Half Marathon through Torrington’s scenic rural views and stunning countryside. This road course covers 13.1 miles over nine long hills and is extremely challenging.

The race was won by Steve Galliene of B.A.A.C. in 1:18:50. Exmouth’s Cathy Newman ran superbly again for 1st LV45, 1st lady and 8th overall in 1:31:02. Mark Thompson also ran well and was 17th in 1:41:29 out of the 75 finishers.

The Plymouth Hoe 10 (miles) Race, which started and finished at the Brickfields, Devonport, was also the annual Peninsula Challenge between Devon and Cornwall. The first of the 561 runners to finish, Kairn Stone of Newham & Essex Beagles in 52:10, led home the victorious Devon County squad. Honours were shared, however, because Conwall’s ladies beat Devon into 2nd place. Exmouth Harrier Roger Rowe, though not at his best, was still good enough to win the 1st V60 award and came 101st overall in 1:07:00.

Seven Exmouth Harriers completed the 8th Sidmouth Four Trigs Challenge, along with 85 other runners. The 15 – 16 mile Fell Runners’ Association Cat. B course started and finished at Sidmouth Sailing Club and visited each of the four Triangulation Pillars around the Sid Valley, with what the organisers described as “…an obscene amount of climb involved!”

The event was won by James Pearce in 2:26:04. The first Exmouth Harrier to finish, after a superb, strong run, was Jon Croome in 7th place in 2:43:28. Mark Thompson was 22nd in 3:00:04, a minute ahead of Tim Gent in 23rd place. Lorraine Croome was 32nd in 3:08:45, with Bob Keast 67th in 3:44:00. Sue Wilkin was 80th and Les Turner 81st, both in 4:00:56.

Harrier John Perratt was first over the shorter Two Trigs course in 1:37:00, almost an hour ahead of the other two runners.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Plymouth Hoe '10' (Devon County Championships)

Only little old me from Exmouth Harriers at this year's Hoe 10. Lovely day, but a bit cold to start. Very large field too. Unfortunately I ran a personal worst again (2nd this year), but still finished 1st Vet/60 (cash prize too). My time? 1:07 dead (6:42 pace)... grief!

Tried, but just didn't have anything to give. Where to go from here?

Race won by Kairn Stone in 52:10 who led home the victorious Devon County squad in the annual Peninsula Challenge with Cornwall. But Cornwall's ladies beat Devon into 2nd place... so I guess you could call that 'honours shared'.

Roger R.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Of the Track and Cross Country

Round 3, the penultimate event of the Exeter Winter 3K Series, took place at Exeter Arena on Wednesday, 6th February. The conditions were excellent on a calm, dry, cool evening.

Altogether, there were 5 races completed by 104 runners, the fastest time going to Peter Freedman of Tavistock A C, who won the A race in 8:42. His club also took the next two places.

The fastest Exmouth Harrier was Roger Rowe (M60) 11:14, followed by Bob Woodall (M55) 11:46, Andy Johnson (M40) recovering from injury, 11:53, Hannah Dupain (SF) 12:12, John Perratt (M70) 12:28, Nigel Dupain (M55) 12:44 and Ray Elston (M65) 12:48.

The penultimate race in the Brooks Westward League 2007/08 series was held on Sunday 10th February at Bovey Tracey, in the picturesque National Trust grounds of the "Parke", which happen to be the location of the offices for the Dartmoor National Parks Authority. The weather was glorious for the race, clear blue skies with bright sunshine. There was no wind and the temperatures were hovering around 10 degrees Celsius. The conditions underfoot varied from soft, grassy area to pools of liquefied mud. The typical example of a cross country course.

The total number of entrants, in the senior male category, numbered eighty-five with the Exmouth Harriers represented by six, namely Ray Elston, Duncan Linklater, John Perratt, Lee Russell, Bob Woodall and Jim Wyatt.

The race commenced with a small loop around the flood plain of the river before rising steeply along the muddy track into the Blackmoor Copse. After another several hundred leg-sapping metres along the wooded ridge, the course took a dog leg right turn down a steep incline back toward the river. At the bottom of the descent was another sharp dog leg right turn onto an extremely muddy track back to the starting loop. This route was repeated three times until the entire distance of 9.3 kilometres was completed.

The men’s race was won by K. Toher [SM] of the Newquay/Par A C in a heart stopping time of 32 minutes and 28 seconds. Although some way down the field the gallant members of the Exmouth Harriers finished as follows: -

56 - Bob Woodall [4th MV50]
59 - Duncan Linklater [5th MV50]
68 - John Perratt [4th MV60]
73 - Ray Elston [5th MV60]
76 - Jim Wyatt [6th MV60]
78 - Lee Russell [11th MV50].

Overall the Exmouth Harriers team of the first four finishers came in 8th position with 152 points.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Fulfords GWR '5'

The distance may have only been 5 miles, but the violent winds made this year’s Great West Fulfords Five a very difficult race for the 300 finishers. Congratulations to all of you!

The race, which was won by Andrew Chambers in 27:29, involved two laps of the sea front and town centre, and after a very severe sand blasting, none of the men needed to shave! Fourteen Exmouth Harriers completed the race including Heather Irvine, Katie Comer, Natalie Williams and Shaan Ellor enjoying?? their first race for the club.

The first Exmouth Harrier to finish after a superb run was Joe Pascoe, 8th in 30:46. Next, after an even greater performance, came superstar Cathy Newman, 1st LV45, 1st lady and 11th overall, in 31:03. Her age graded performance of over 83% in those conditions, was phenomenal!!

Roger Rowe had an excellent run for 1st V60 and 34th overall in 34:07 and Jo Darwood was 50th in 35:02. Bob Woodall came 54th in 35:31, with Mark Thompson 55th, 5 seconds later. Another great performance made John Perratt 1st V70 and 66th overall in 36:17. Ray Elston, barely recovered from his illness, was also outstanding for 1st V65 and 106th overall in 38:58.

Ted Bloomfield came 110th in 39:37, with Jim Wyatt 2nd V65 and 114th overall in 39:50. Heather Irvine was 200th in 45:33, with Katie Comer 201st in 45:48. Natalie Williams and Shaan Ellor were 242nd and 243rd, both in 49:24.

Our thanks go to Fulfords for sponsoring the race for another year and again providing the Fulford’s “Smart” car to act as the “Lead Car” to the race. Also, to race director Bob Keast for all his hard work, the Exmouth Air and Sea Cadets for marshalling, St John’s Ambulance and the local police, and the members of Exmouth Harriers who carried out other duties including registration of late entries, timekeeping, production of results, marshalling, etc.