Tuesday, January 08, 2008

South West Cross Country Championships

The South West Region Cross Country Championships were held at Bicton College last Sunday on rough, heavy ground, which meant that although the distance was less than five miles, the race was still quite a tough one.

The winner of the men’s event was Robbie Bugden of Bristol and West A C, in 21:44. One hundred and seven runners completed the race, including three Exmouth Harriers. Unfortunately, another member of Exmouth’s V60 team, Ray Elston, was unable to take part due to illness. We all wish him a very speedy recovery!

The first Exmouth Harrier to finish, John Perratt, was 5th V60 and 101st overall in 33:18. Jim Wyatt was 6th V60 and 104th overall in 35:33 and Les Turner was 8th V60 and 107th overall in 39:17.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done, boys!! (Are you still picking the mud out of your shoes?)
