Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Annual Dinner

Last Saturday, Exmouth Harriers held their Christmas Dinner and disco at the Manor Hotel. After the meal, chairman Bob Keast thanked everyone for coming, before moving on to the presentation of awards to the male and female athletes of the year. Everyone on the club can vote for these awards, so they are valued very highly by the recipients.

Female athlete of the year after another fantastic season when her successes included silver and bronze medals at the European Non-Stadia Championships, a popular and obvious choice, was Cathy Newman. Although Cathy now lives in Torrington, North Devon, she has retained her membership of Exmouth Harriers and we are very proud that she still runs for us.

Ray Elston was voted male athlete of the year after his best season ever at the age of 68!! For sheer consistency he has been absolutely outstanding, performing at close to his best in every race he has taken part in.

The president’s award went to Jan Moulton, who will be moving to Australia but will still return to the England version of Exmouth from time to time. Jan is one of those long-serving members of the Harriers who over the years have done so much to help the Club and her fellow runners. We’ll certainly miss her and we wish her the very best of health, success and happiness for the future. We look forward to her cheery presence on those occasions when she returns to run with us from time to time. All the very best, Jan!!

Secretary Jon Bamsey thanked chairman Bob Keast and president Roland Young for all their really hard work in organising and managing the three races hosted by Exmouth Harriers, the Fulfords Five, the Manor Hotel 10 K and the Bicton Blister. These are all important events in the local sporting calendar and there are so many things to get right if they are to be successful.

Finally, lifetime membership of the Club was awarded to someone whose dedication over the years has been and remains unquestionable. Steve Merry, another long-serving member, is not only “always there”, but is also always doing something while he’s there. He can only do everything he does by sacrificing his own personal life / racing potential and we all (apart from his long-suffering wife and family) should appreciate that. So thanks for everything, Steve!!

The third of the six Brooks Westward League Cross Country races was held at Tregorrick Park, St Austell the day after the dinner. Fortunately, the extremely violent rainstorms that occurred during the journey to Cornwall relented for the race and the course itself was much less boggy than expected.

85 runners completed the men’s event including three Exmouth Harriers. Ray Elston shrugged off his thigh injury to turn in another strong performance for 67th place overall and 3rd V60, Jim Wyatt was 79th and Les Turner was 84th.


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