Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tywyn Race the Train

Hugh Marsden beat the train in the Tywyn “Race the Train”, a tough multi terrain event of about fifteen miles which takes place alongside the route taken by the Talyllyn Railway on its journey to Abergynolwyn and back. In order to do this it uses a mixture of public roads, lanes, un-metalled roads, tracks, agricultural land, and rough grazing pastures. The route crosses the face of the hillsides, ascends and descends quite steep terrain and runs on narrow footpaths with little chance of overtaking. The terrain varies all the time and was very wet and muddy in places, also involving some steep hills. Often, if runners coincided with the train, their families and friends on the train could shout encouragement to them. About 700 runners completed the race and Hugh ran superbly, coming 2nd V45 and 23rd overall in 1:39:55.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic, Hugh; well done! Congrats, too, to everyone who ran the Sidmouth Festival 10K! Sounds like a lot of off-road/multi-terrain fun in the past week or so (and some pretty tough washing jobs on the kit afterwards!).
