Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Races - 1st April 2007

[Les, negotiating the traffic at 14 miles in the Taunton Marathon]

Eight Exmouth Harriers took part in the tough off road Exe to Axe race, four as a team and four as individuals. The team of Paul Champion, who went on to run the full distance as part of his training for the 100 mile race at Mont Blanc in August, Phil Bater, Lee Russell and Steve Merry came 1st vets team and 3rd team overall.

The other Harriers at the Exe to Axe were Cathy Newman, Lorraine and Jon Croome and Tim Gent.

The marathon and half marathon races at Taunton included eight more runners from Exmouth Harriers. In the full marathon, Julie Gellender ran superbly for 39th overall and 2nd lady vet 35 in 3.21.07. Les Turner was 160th overall and 4th vet 60 in 4.19.58. The race was won by Brian Cole of RNAC in 2.43.45 and there were 192 finishers.

The Taunton half marathon was won by Pete Waumsley of Tamar Trotters in 1.14.02 The field of 1098 included Dave Stone, who was 8th in 1.15.56, Shaun Lock 28th in 1.21.01, and Paul Samways 40th in 1.22.52. Duncan Parkes was 346th in 1.42.35 and Sue Wilkin was 655th in 1.57.30. Trevor Cope was 740th in 2.02.29. Some of the Exmouth runners were using the half marathon as part of their preparation for the full London marathon in three weeks’ time.

In the last edition of the Journal it was reported that Dawn Teed had won the award for 2nd lady vet 40 in the Brooks Westward Cross Country League. She was actually 3rd in the cross country series, but 2nd lady overall after her brilliant run in the Falkland Islands Marathon.

Harrier Tony Hatchard, who was omitted from the report on the Bath Half Marathon, had another excellent race, coming 43rd in 1.12.43.
Athlete of the day: Les Turner for his great first attempt at the marathon... a difficult one too... at the age of 64. What an achievement!

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