Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Doone Run - Sunday 18th

Call me crazy if you like, but I decided to run yesterday's Doone Run. And I coped okay - although all the steep downhills were rather painful (Andy has an injured foot - RR). So I just slowed down, and was passed by runners who were soon overtaken when we started climbing again.

This is a wonderful race - just a shame that you can't take your eyes off the paths to look at the views! I expected to run close to two hours because of the foot and the fact that I was feeling that the energy tanks were more than a bit low, and as I've mentioned I slowed down to a very slow jog on the many descents... but I still finished in 1:39:16 for 42nd.

I reckon I could pick up close to five minutes simply by running the descents, and I certainly wasn't pushing hard on the climbs, except in the final mile.

I certainly recommend this one for future years!
PS Well done to Marvin for her race yesterday!;Posted by Picasa

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