Thursday, June 16, 2005

Winslade Park (nearly 3k) 13th June

Well Maurice didn't measure it! Nearly 3k of parkland in very beautiful surroundings. For those who have never been into 'Winslade' it's worth a visit just to gawp!

10 Harriers as this inaugural race of the Summer series:

Roger Rowe Vet man 60 9m 56s (Missed the start, but Maurice
had a watch on him)
Hannah Dupain Snr lady 26 10m 14s
John Perratt Vet man 68 10m 26s (In Sidmouth Colours, but
we'll forgive him)
Adrian Taylor Vet man 49 10m 42s
Ray Elston Vet man 65 10m 47s
Bob Keast Vet man 48 11m 01s
Nigel Dupain Vet man 53 11m 24s
Dave Eveleigh Vet man 51 12m 41s
Les Turner Vet man 62 13m 03s
Mandy Marvin Vet lady 37 15m 40s

It's REALLY worth doing. Nice to see the Vet/60 team out in force. Incidentally sorry for the cricket photo, but it was the only one of Winslade Park that I could find.

Don't forget the "Erme Valley Relays" on the 8th July. The Vet/60 team of John, Rog, Ray and Rog are the team to beat!

Roger R.

Posted by Hello

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