Tuesday, January 29, 2008

SW Vets XC Championships

The South West Veterans’ Athletic Club Cross Country Championships were held simultaneously with the Sidmouth Running Club Cross Country Championships at Pinn Barton Farm, Muttersmoor, Sidmouth. This must be one of the finest cross country courses in the whole of the region (and far beyond), with incredible views along the coastline to the west and inland across a vast expanse of beautiful, landscaped countryside to the north. This year, the runners were blessed with glorious weather to match the views, and two of the four Exmouth Harriers who competed won gold medals.

Nineteen runners completed the three lap event for ladies and men over 65, which was won by Marilyn Blair of Torrington A C in 26:11. Exmouth’s John Perratt was 1st V70 and 5th overall in 30:23 and Jim Wyatt was 1st V65 and 8th overall in 31:23. Congratulations to John and Jim on their outstanding performances!

There were 25 finishers in the four lap race for men 40 – 64, which was won by Gary Gerrad of R N A C in 29:41. Exmouth’s Lee Russell was 21st in 44:52 and Les Turner was 24th in 46:53.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Weekend Races

The wind was strong but thankfully the rain stayed at bay for 314 finishers in the 11 miles multi terrain Oh My Obelisk race on Sunday. Tom Merson of SWRR took the lead from the start and was first home in 1:07:56, two minutes ahead of Peter Monaghan of Torbay AC. First lady home was Klachen Cheshire of Hull Achilles in 1:19:08. Two Exmouth Harriers completed the course. Adrian Kearns was 23rd in 1:21:05 and Trevor Cope came 266th in 1:59:15.

The fourth of the six Brooks Westward League Cross Country races was held at Bideford on a very wet and muddy course. 80 runners completed the men’s event including six Exmouth Harriers.

The first to finish, Joe Pascoe, was 20th in 31:23. Hugh Marsden was 6th V45 and 25th overall in 31:41. Duncan Linklater and Bob Woodall had a very close race for 8th and 9th V50 (62nd and 63rd overall), both in the same time of 37:55. Jim Wyatt was 6th V60 and 73rd overall in 41:09 and Les Turner was 7th V60 and 78th overall in 44:42.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

South West Cross Country Championships

The South West Region Cross Country Championships were held at Bicton College last Sunday on rough, heavy ground, which meant that although the distance was less than five miles, the race was still quite a tough one.

The winner of the men’s event was Robbie Bugden of Bristol and West A C, in 21:44. One hundred and seven runners completed the race, including three Exmouth Harriers. Unfortunately, another member of Exmouth’s V60 team, Ray Elston, was unable to take part due to illness. We all wish him a very speedy recovery!

The first Exmouth Harrier to finish, John Perratt, was 5th V60 and 101st overall in 33:18. Jim Wyatt was 6th V60 and 104th overall in 35:33 and Les Turner was 8th V60 and 107th overall in 39:17.


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Wellington and Exeter

Four Exmouth Harriers took part in the 23rd Wellington Monument "Bert King Memorial" 10k Road Race. The runners were blessed with bright sunshine but the air was crisp with temperatures around the freezing point. At the start of the race the roads were still damp and the hedges and fields had a coating of overnight frost. Runners were undecided as to their attire, as in the shade the temperatures were very low but out of the shade the air temperature was quite high, making running quite warm.

The course is a simple run out and return along the same route, but after leaving the village of Hemyock the road rises steeply for the next two miles with one undulation before entering the bridle path to the monument. At this point the course then returns back along the same route. A seriously uphill course run along lanes in some spectacular countryside. There was a record entry with 203 runners completing the race and inevitably some course records were broken.

Peter Monaghan, representing Torbay AAC, won the race in 35:17, just missing the Masters over 40 course record set in 1997 by 4 seconds. Roger Trubridge set a new course record in the Masters over 60 in 42:10, taking 41 seconds off the record held by Nigel Stuart-Thorn, run in 1992.

The first lady to finish, international runner Lucy Hasell, representing Bristol West AC, was 6th overall in a time of 37:07, taking 44 seconds off the course record that had stood since 1995. South West Road Runner Karen Cook broke her own course record in the Maidens over 45, by winning in 43:31. Taunton AC’s Rachel Heard broke the Young lady under 18 course record by 1 min 26 secs in a winning time of 43:29. Sally Tovey, of Running Forever, broke the Local resident in Hemyock course record by 6 minutes 9 seconds with her time of 50:39.

The biggest record-breaking margin, however, was the massive 6 minutes and 11 seconds by which the first male home in the over 70 category smashed the standing record. This runner was none other than John Perratt, representing Exmouth Harriers, with a time of 46:40. Well done, John!!

Andy Johnson, the first Exmouth Harrier home, was 28th in 42:29, followed by Bob Woodall, 57th in 46:02. Next came John Perratt with his amazing course record busting run. The Exmouth quartet was completed by Jim Wyatt, who competed well, finishing in an impressive 123rd position in 52:16. A good performance from someone who was recovering from a cold and was "only going along for the run"!

Taunton AC retained the team prize for the 4th year in succession, lead home by Luke Scott, last year’s winner of the event.

The Last Chance 10k was held on a flat, fast, two-lap course, using foot and cycle paths in Exeter’s Riverside Country Park. 502 runners completed the race and the near perfect weather and conditions made for some outstanding performances.

The winner was Kairn Stone of Newham & Essex Beagles in 31:40. Exmouth Harriers were well represented by no less than twelve runners, including three winners of their categories. The first to finish, Cathy Newman, was 1st F45, 2nd lady, and 23rd overall in 36:45, after a superb race that was worth a massive age grading of 88%. Well done, Cathy! Adrian Kearns was 46th in 39:07. Congratulations, also, to Roger Rowe, 1st M60 and 51st overall in 39:44 and John Perratt, 1st M70 and 94th overall in 42:36. Chris Dupain came 101st in 42:56, Emma and Nigel Dupain were 156th and 157th, both in 45:55, with Hannah Dupain 180th in 47:10, in her first race since becoming a mum. Jim Wyatt was also in good form for 2nd M65 and 215th overall in 48:53, with Ben White 245th in 50:33. Les Turner came 294th in 52:48 and Mandy Marvin was 467th in 65:09.