Sunday, June 04, 2006

Manor 10k - Click for results

Adrian working down Rolle Street and looking good. Posted by Picasa

Roger getting the better of Jimmy Z... first pass down Rolle Street. Posted by Picasa

Steve T looking relaxed... Posted by Picasa

Paul... like the shades (doesn't the sweat get in your eyes Paul?) Posted by Picasa

Ray on the run in... Posted by Picasa

Nigel and Jim down Rolle Street for the first time. Posted by Picasa

Jim powers in... Posted by Picasa

Les at the finish... Posted by Picasa

The old men celebrate... Roger 1st Vet/60, Jim 2nd Vet/60 and Ray 1st Vet/65. Les had a bit of a difficult day, but held on gamely to the end.
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