Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tresco Marathon - 23rd April

Andy Johnson was 6th overall in 3:25:08. The course on the Isles of Scilly consists of 8 laps of (mostly concrete) road/paths with hills on every lap.

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Monday, April 24, 2006

London Marathon 2006

149 DAVID STONE 2:37:21
1731 STEPHEN TANCOCK 3:06:55
2558 HANNAH DUPAIN 3:14:24
5742 DAWN TEED 3:35:42
10614 MARIA LOCK 3:56:32
13476 TREVOR COPE 4:07:54
21145 NICOLA CROOK 4:38:24

Dave S beat Malcolm Bayer (Sidmouth) by 13 minutes! Show 'em Dave...
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter Monday - Bampton to Tiverton

Ray with the Vet/65 cup, Roger with the Vet/60 cup and Jim with a coffee cup !

The Vet/60s at the 60th running of the Bampton to Tiverton Road Race (about 7.15 miles). Great race... a reminder of why it has been so popular over the years... grief when it was first run I was 1 month old! Jim finished in 55:41, Ray in 50:40 and 1st Vet/65, and Roger in 43:42 for 1st Vet/60. Nice to be supported (all the way from Leamington Spa) by Mandy. Mary R took the photo.

Roger R.
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Monday, April 03, 2006

The Taunton Marathon and Half Marathon

Sunday 2nd of April 2006 saw the holding of the 23rd Taunton marathon. Martin Pearse of Taunton AC was first man home in the marathon in 2:41:38 finishing five minutes ahead of another Taunton local Chris Wear. The half event was a much closer affair with just over 30 seconds separating the first four home, with the eventual winner being Pete Waumsley of Tamar Trotters finishing in 1:11:28.

Exmouth Harriers Adrian Kearns completed the marathon in 3:07:41, and Trevor Cope finished the Half in 1:51:22.

Adrian K.