Sunday, March 26, 2006

Teignbridge 10 - 26th March 2006

Well it wasn't cold, but the rain started (again) a minute or two after the start. By the time we all finished we were saturated. Even the cold showers in the changing rooms felt warm!


Dawn Teed - 78:04 - Devon Bronze LV40
Lee Russell - 77:12
John Perratt - 69:44 - 1st Vet/65 (Devon Gold)
Roger Rowe - 64:12 - 1st Vet/60 (Devon Gold and RRC Championship Gold)
Andy Kennedy - 63:51
Steve Tancock - 63:27 - 3rd Vet/50 (Hey, he must have got the bronze too)

Great to put-a-face-to-a-name at last with Steve T. I had a ding-dong with him for around 5 miles, but he got away after that. Andy K came back after suffering following a 'too fast' start to finish very fast indeed.

Great runs by all.

Roger R.

For those who have not met him, let me introduce Steve Tancock. OK Steve we're very impressed with 63:27, but how about a club vest! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hugh in the Falklands

On Sunday 19th March Hugh Marsden completed the double in the Falkland Islands. On Sunday he ran the Marathon in a time of 3.04.00 over six minutes ahead of his nearest competitor. Just two weeks ago he won the Half Marathon. Hugh will be back in Exmouth next week.

Also on Sunday the Harriers hosted the last round of the Westward League Cross-Country which was held at Bicton College. The League is held over six rounds over the Winter months.

In the Exmouth event 10 Harriers completed, first home being Dave Stone in 3rd place in 35.55. Andy Kennedy was 28th in 41.49, Paul Champion was 35th in 42.44, Lee Russell 47th in 45.21, Tim Gent 48th in 45.28, John Perratt 53rd in 46.23, Ray Elston 58th in 47.45, Jim Wyatt 65th in 49.48, Les Turner 67th in 51.18, and Dave Eveleigh completing the line up for the Harriers in 76th in 63.14.

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Monday, March 13, 2006

Grizzly results...

Cub run

John Perratt 10th 1st MV60 1.24.01
Jim Wyatt 32nd MV60 1.38.26


Dave Stone 8th SM 2.21.20
Shaun Lock 12th SM 2.24.06
Steve H-T 13th SM 2.24.15
Antony Hatchard 18th SM 2.26.13
Joe Pascoe 32nd SM 2.29.41
Jon Croome 51st MV40 2.33.48
Paul Champion 79th MV50 2.37.55
Neil Ferraday 123rd MV40 2.45.18
Tim Gent 215th SM 2.54.58
Steve Merry 230th MV50 2.56.49
Hannah Dupain 245th SL 2.58.34
Lorraine Croome L35 3.10
Adrian Taylor MV50 3.11

That's all the results we have so far.

(Tim Gent)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Bideford Half Marathon - 5th March

Paul Samways led the way for the men finishing in 44th position overall in 1:24:50. A PB by an incredible 8:40 on his previous best of 1:33:30 which he set at Bideford last year.

List of Harrier Finishers (Gun times)

30th Cathy Newman 1:22:48 (3rd Female V40 in 30th
overall, four F40 in top 32)
44th Paul Samways 1:24:50
50th Adrian Kearns 1:25:50
73rd Andrew Johnson 1:27:47
75th Andrew Kennedy 1:27:59
280th Roger Cowd 1:40:49 (2nd V60 again)
451th Gill Sanderson 1:51:08
616th Denise Kennedy 2:05:52

Sunday, March 05, 2006

BMAF Cross Country Championships - Bournemouth, 5th March

Cold, windy, with sun/cloud... and a pretty flat and twisty 'parkland' course, so a very frenetic first mile. Roger led the Vet/60s on the first lap, but was gradually overhauled by the big-guns. By lap 3 he was struggling in 6th, but on the final lap managed to catch the whole 'gaggle' and overtake the 5th. So, 5th Vet/60 in 30:31. Just 29 seconds covered the first 6 in the category! The team? 5th Vet/60 (three to count). The Clydesdale boys retained their Championship.
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John in typical pose chasing... John managed 21st place in 33:24 (but was 6th Vet/65). Posted by Picasa

Here is Ray powering along the back straight. Ray finished in 38th place in 35:52. Jim Wyatt was our 4th man, and unfortunatley Mary did not manage to get a photo Jim... never mind, he finished in 127th in 38:34. Posted by Picasa